Page 30 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 30
Physical Activity Recommendations

mendation the committee states that all education, health and gov-
ernment agencies should develop data systems to monitor policies
and behaviors to provide a foundation for planning, developing and
implementing physical activity in schools. Next recommendation,
Providing Preservice Training and Professional Development for
teachers, is based on educating physical education and classroom
teachers to be more professional from the field sport and physic-
al activity and to promote physical activity across the curriculum.
The last recommendation is Enduring Equity in access to Physical
Activity and Physical Education, which should pursue equal access
to facilities and opportunities for physical activity.

Canada’s first physical activity guidelines were introduced in 2002
(Health Canada, 2002). Two sets of guidelines were published, sep-
arately for children aged 6 to 9 years and youth aged 10 to 14
years (Health Canada, 2002). Canada launched new guidelines for
physical activity for children, youth, adults and older adults in
January 2011. The process of updating Canadian Physical Activity
Guidelines lasted from November 2006 till the launch day to Ca-
nadians in January 2011. Canadian guidelines are relevant to all
healthy children (aged 5–11 years) and youth (12–17 years). Chil-
dren and youth should be physically active as a part of play, games,
transportation, recreation, physical education or planned exercise.
For health benefits, they should accumulate at least 60 minutes of
moderate- to vigorous physical intensity per day and should include
vigorous-intensity and activities that strengthen muscles and bones
at least three times per week. Adults (18–64 years) should accumu-
late at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical
activity per week, which can be in sessions of at least 10 minutes.
Physical activity should include activities that strengthen muscles
and bones at least two days per week (Tremblay et al., 2011).

Slovenia made directives and recommendations for physical activ-
ity, but only for adults. Recommendations for physical activity in

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