Page 31 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 31

Slovenia are divided into four sectors: type, intensity, frequency
and duration of physical activity (Fras & Policˇnik, 2007). Tradition-
al recommendations advise aerobic activities, which require the
use of large muscle groups and are continuous (brisk walking, jog-
ging, cycling, swimming, ice skating, cross-country skiing). Newer
guidelines recommend walking or any activities which can be car-
ried out daily with every-day intensity, such as moderately intense
housework (such as lifting or carrying devices), moderately heavy
gardening, ball games and other games with children, moderately
intense swimming, slow jogging (about 7 km/h). It is important that
the physical activity in relation to the type of activity is balanced.
Activity should be partitioned into 50% aerobic activities, 25% flex-
ibility exercises and 25% of exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Intensity of physical activity should range between 50–85% of
maximum aerobic capacity (oxygen consumption) or moderate
physical activity of energy consumption of 3 to 6 MET or 4 to 7 kc-
al/min. Daily or 5 times/week. Duration of physical activity should
range between 30 and 60 minutes; newer recommendations al-
low intermittent exercise in several daily sessions with shorter or
longer intervals if activity cannot be carried continuously. Dura-
tion of each session should not be shorter than 10 minutes, and all

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