Page 74 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 74
Physical Fitness

formation on their achievements in sports education, graphical rep-
resentation of physical and motor development of a child or a young
person for the entire period of schooling, advice on which sport
activity a child should take part and usefully spent his or her leis-
ure time, advice on problems on physical or motor development,
advice on what sport equipment to buy for schools and parents.

Establishment, evaluation and monitoring of physical character-
istics and motor abilities are carries out by means of the follow-
ing measuring procedures (Strel, 1996): body height, body weight,
triceps skinfold, arm plate tapping, standing long jump, polygon
backwards, sit-ups, forward bend and touch on the bench, bent
arm hang, 60-m run, 600-m run. The SLOfit system measures phys-
ical development, motor development, and motor abilities. Phys-
ical development is measured through physical growth, defined by
body height, weight and skinfold of the upper arm. Body Mass In-
dex is calculated using height and weight and is used to assess nu-
tritional status. Triceps skinfold is the anthropometric indicator of
peripheral fat distribution. Motor development in system SLOfit
is monitored through the development of various motor abilities,
which are divided on health-related fitness indicators and physic-
al performance indicators. Indicators of health-related fitness are
aerobic power, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexib-
ility. Highly developed aerobic abilities reduces the risk of heart dis-
ease, diabetes and stroke. Properly developed flexibility, muscular
strength and muscular endurance are important for injury preven-
tion, proper posture and overall functioning of the body. Indicators
of physical performance are speed, explosive strength and body
coordination. Measurement procedure from SLOfit are the same
throughout primary and secondary school period, what allows dir-
ect comparison of individual outcomes of physical and motor de-
velopment from 6 to 18 years of age. Selection of appropriate tests
based on several pilots and experimental studies. In last 30 years,
SLOfit system measured more than 1 million children and youth.
Slovenian children between 1995 and 2015 became higher for 0.8%,
heavier by 4.6% and their triceps skinfold increased for 14% (see

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