Page 365 - Kotnik, Vlado. 2018. Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 365
l i t er at u r a
Adoption Case Studies in Technology. NCA – National Communication
Geser, Hans (2002) Towards a Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone. Zürich:
Univerza Zürich. Dostopno prek:
(24. 5. 2003).
Gilmore, David D. (1982) »Anthropology of the Mediterranean Area«, Annual
Review of Anthropology, 11: 175–205.
Ginsburg, Faye (1991) »Indigenous Media: Faustian Contract or Global
Village?«, Cultural Anthropology, 6(1): 92–112.
Ginsburg, Faye D. & Abu-Lughod, Lila & Larkin, Brian (2002) Media Worlds:
Anthropology on New Terrain. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Giulianotti, Richard (1999) Football: A sociology of the Global Game. Cambridge,
UK: Polity Press.
Goddard, Victoria A. & Llobera, Joseph R. & Shore, Cris (1996[1994]) The
Anthropology of Europe: Identities and Boundaries in Conflict. Oxford &
Washington D.C.: Berg.
Goffman, Erving (1959) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City,
NY: Doubleday Anchor Books.
Goffman, Erving (1963) Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social
Organization of Gatherings. New York: The Free Press.
Goffman, Erving (1967) Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-To-Face Behavior.
New York: Anchor Books.
Goggin, Gerard (2006) Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life.
London in New York: Routledge.
Goldlust, John (1987) Playing for Keeps: Sport, the Media and Society.
Melbourne: Longman Chesire.
Gouldner, Alvin W. (1976) The Dialectics of Ideology and Technology: The
Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology. London: Macmillan.
Gozzini, Giovanni (2000) Storia del giornalismo. Milano: Paravia Bruno
Mondatori Editori.
Grimshaw, Anna & Ravetz, Amanda (2009) Observational Cinema:
Anthropology, Film, and the Exploration of Social Life. Bloomington in
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Gruneau, Richard & Whitson, David (1993) Hockey Night in Canada: Sport,
Identities and Cultural Politics. Aurora, Ontario: Garamond Press.
Adoption Case Studies in Technology. NCA – National Communication
Geser, Hans (2002) Towards a Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone. Zürich:
Univerza Zürich. Dostopno prek:
(24. 5. 2003).
Gilmore, David D. (1982) »Anthropology of the Mediterranean Area«, Annual
Review of Anthropology, 11: 175–205.
Ginsburg, Faye (1991) »Indigenous Media: Faustian Contract or Global
Village?«, Cultural Anthropology, 6(1): 92–112.
Ginsburg, Faye D. & Abu-Lughod, Lila & Larkin, Brian (2002) Media Worlds:
Anthropology on New Terrain. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Giulianotti, Richard (1999) Football: A sociology of the Global Game. Cambridge,
UK: Polity Press.
Goddard, Victoria A. & Llobera, Joseph R. & Shore, Cris (1996[1994]) The
Anthropology of Europe: Identities and Boundaries in Conflict. Oxford &
Washington D.C.: Berg.
Goffman, Erving (1959) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City,
NY: Doubleday Anchor Books.
Goffman, Erving (1963) Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social
Organization of Gatherings. New York: The Free Press.
Goffman, Erving (1967) Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-To-Face Behavior.
New York: Anchor Books.
Goggin, Gerard (2006) Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life.
London in New York: Routledge.
Goldlust, John (1987) Playing for Keeps: Sport, the Media and Society.
Melbourne: Longman Chesire.
Gouldner, Alvin W. (1976) The Dialectics of Ideology and Technology: The
Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology. London: Macmillan.
Gozzini, Giovanni (2000) Storia del giornalismo. Milano: Paravia Bruno
Mondatori Editori.
Grimshaw, Anna & Ravetz, Amanda (2009) Observational Cinema:
Anthropology, Film, and the Exploration of Social Life. Bloomington in
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Gruneau, Richard & Whitson, David (1993) Hockey Night in Canada: Sport,
Identities and Cultural Politics. Aurora, Ontario: Garamond Press.