Page 363 - Kotnik, Vlado. 2018. Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 363
l i t er at u r a
Duvignaud, Jean (1970) Spectacle et société. Pariz: Denoel.
Edelman, Murray J. (1988) Constructing the Political Spectacle. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Edwards, Elizabeth (ur.) (1992) Anthropology and Photography, 1860–1920. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Elderfield, Alison (2003) »Enchanted Mobility? The Impact of New Mobile
Technologies on Social Interaction«, Cognitive Science Research Paper,
567: 56–58. Sussex: University of Sussex.
Elvestad, Eiri & Blekesaune, Arild (2008) »Newspaper Readers in Europe:
A Multilevel Study of Individual and National Differences«, European
Journal of Communication, 23(4): 425–447.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2001[1995]) Small Places, Large Issues: An
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. Second Edition. London
& Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press.
Erjavec, Karmen (2009) »Medijske podobe Slovencev in Avstrijcev«, v: Majda
Fister, Janez Stergar (ur.), Koroški vestnik, 43(1–3): 128–134.
Esbjörnsson, Mattias & Juhlin, Oskar (2003) Combining Mobile Phone
Conversations and Driving – Studying A Mundane Activity in Its
Naturalistic Setting. Sweden: The Mobility Studio, Interactive Institute.
Dostopno prek:
OfficeDriverITS030616.pdf (12. 8. 2007).
Esbjörnsson, Mattias & Juhlin, Oskar & Weilenmann, Alexandra (2007)
»Drivers Using Mobile Phones in Traffic: An Ethnographic Study of
Interactional Adaptation«, International Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction 22(1/2): 37–58.
Fabian, Johannes (1983) Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its
Objects. New York: Columbia University Press.
Fischer, Claude S. (1992) America Calling: A Social History of the Telephone to
1940. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Fiske, John (1989) Television Culture. London in New York: Routledge [prvič
natisnjeno leta 1987, Methuen, London].
Fiske, John (1991) »Writing Ethnographies: Contribution to a Dialogue«,
Quarterly J. Speech, 77: 330–335.
Fiske, John & Hartley, John (1978) Reading Television. London: Methuen.
Fomin, Vladislav (2001) »The Role of Standards in Sustainable Development
of Cellular Mobile Communications«, Knowledge, Technology & Policy,
14(3): 55–70. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University.
Duvignaud, Jean (1970) Spectacle et société. Pariz: Denoel.
Edelman, Murray J. (1988) Constructing the Political Spectacle. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Edwards, Elizabeth (ur.) (1992) Anthropology and Photography, 1860–1920. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Elderfield, Alison (2003) »Enchanted Mobility? The Impact of New Mobile
Technologies on Social Interaction«, Cognitive Science Research Paper,
567: 56–58. Sussex: University of Sussex.
Elvestad, Eiri & Blekesaune, Arild (2008) »Newspaper Readers in Europe:
A Multilevel Study of Individual and National Differences«, European
Journal of Communication, 23(4): 425–447.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2001[1995]) Small Places, Large Issues: An
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. Second Edition. London
& Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press.
Erjavec, Karmen (2009) »Medijske podobe Slovencev in Avstrijcev«, v: Majda
Fister, Janez Stergar (ur.), Koroški vestnik, 43(1–3): 128–134.
Esbjörnsson, Mattias & Juhlin, Oskar (2003) Combining Mobile Phone
Conversations and Driving – Studying A Mundane Activity in Its
Naturalistic Setting. Sweden: The Mobility Studio, Interactive Institute.
Dostopno prek:
OfficeDriverITS030616.pdf (12. 8. 2007).
Esbjörnsson, Mattias & Juhlin, Oskar & Weilenmann, Alexandra (2007)
»Drivers Using Mobile Phones in Traffic: An Ethnographic Study of
Interactional Adaptation«, International Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction 22(1/2): 37–58.
Fabian, Johannes (1983) Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its
Objects. New York: Columbia University Press.
Fischer, Claude S. (1992) America Calling: A Social History of the Telephone to
1940. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Fiske, John (1989) Television Culture. London in New York: Routledge [prvič
natisnjeno leta 1987, Methuen, London].
Fiske, John (1991) »Writing Ethnographies: Contribution to a Dialogue«,
Quarterly J. Speech, 77: 330–335.
Fiske, John & Hartley, John (1978) Reading Television. London: Methuen.
Fomin, Vladislav (2001) »The Role of Standards in Sustainable Development
of Cellular Mobile Communications«, Knowledge, Technology & Policy,
14(3): 55–70. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University.