Page 381 - Kotnik, Vlado. 2018. Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 381
l i t er at u r a
Rajtmajer, Dolfe (1994) »The Slovenian Origins of European Skiing«, The
International Journal of the History of Sport, 11(1): 97–101.
Razsa, Maple (2004) »Regionalism, Memory and Belonging at the Frontiers of
the Nation-State«, Anthropological Quarterly, 77(1): 161–165.
Rheingold, Howard (2003) Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge,
MA: Perseus Books/Basic Books.
Richardson, John E. (2007) Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical
Discourse Analysis. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Roberts, David (2003) »Toward a Genealogy and Typology of the Spectacle:
Some Comments on Debord«, str. 1–13. Monash University: Centre for
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies.
Rollwagen, Jack R. (ur.) (1988) Anthropological Filmmaking: Anthropological
Perspectives on the Production of Film and Video for General Public
Audiences. Chur in London: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Rollwagen, Jack R. (ur.) (1993) Anthropological Film and Video in the 1990s.
Brockport, NY: The Institute.
Roos, J. P. (1993) »Sociology of Cellular Telephone: The Nordic Model«,
Telecommunications Policy, 17 (6). Dostopno prek: http://www.valt.helsin- (17. 3. 2001).
Rothenbuhler, Eric W. & Coman, Mihai (2005) Media Anthropology. Thousand
Oaks in London: Sage Publications.
Rowe, David (1999) Sport, Culture and the Media. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Rowe, David (2011) »Obituary for the Newspaper? Tracking the Tabloid”,
Journalism, 12(4): 449–466.
Ruby, Jay (2000) Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sachs, Patricia (ur.) (1989) Anthropological Approaches to Organizational
Culture. Theme Issue. Anthropology of Work Review 10(3).
Sampson, Peter (2013) »Contested Frontier: Examining YouTube From a
Critical Perspective«, E-Learning and Digital Media, 10(3): 276–284.
Sands, Robert (ur.) (1999) Anthropology, Sport, and Culture. Westport: Bergin
& Garvey.
Schönbach, Klaus & De Waal, Ester & Lauf, Edmund (2005) »Research Note:
Online and Print Newspapers: Their Impact on the Extent of the Perceived
Public Agenda«, European Journal of Communication, 20(2): 245–258.
Rajtmajer, Dolfe (1994) »The Slovenian Origins of European Skiing«, The
International Journal of the History of Sport, 11(1): 97–101.
Razsa, Maple (2004) »Regionalism, Memory and Belonging at the Frontiers of
the Nation-State«, Anthropological Quarterly, 77(1): 161–165.
Rheingold, Howard (2003) Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge,
MA: Perseus Books/Basic Books.
Richardson, John E. (2007) Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical
Discourse Analysis. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Roberts, David (2003) »Toward a Genealogy and Typology of the Spectacle:
Some Comments on Debord«, str. 1–13. Monash University: Centre for
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies.
Rollwagen, Jack R. (ur.) (1988) Anthropological Filmmaking: Anthropological
Perspectives on the Production of Film and Video for General Public
Audiences. Chur in London: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Rollwagen, Jack R. (ur.) (1993) Anthropological Film and Video in the 1990s.
Brockport, NY: The Institute.
Roos, J. P. (1993) »Sociology of Cellular Telephone: The Nordic Model«,
Telecommunications Policy, 17 (6). Dostopno prek: http://www.valt.helsin- (17. 3. 2001).
Rothenbuhler, Eric W. & Coman, Mihai (2005) Media Anthropology. Thousand
Oaks in London: Sage Publications.
Rowe, David (1999) Sport, Culture and the Media. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Rowe, David (2011) »Obituary for the Newspaper? Tracking the Tabloid”,
Journalism, 12(4): 449–466.
Ruby, Jay (2000) Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sachs, Patricia (ur.) (1989) Anthropological Approaches to Organizational
Culture. Theme Issue. Anthropology of Work Review 10(3).
Sampson, Peter (2013) »Contested Frontier: Examining YouTube From a
Critical Perspective«, E-Learning and Digital Media, 10(3): 276–284.
Sands, Robert (ur.) (1999) Anthropology, Sport, and Culture. Westport: Bergin
& Garvey.
Schönbach, Klaus & De Waal, Ester & Lauf, Edmund (2005) »Research Note:
Online and Print Newspapers: Their Impact on the Extent of the Perceived
Public Agenda«, European Journal of Communication, 20(2): 245–258.