Page 100 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 100
ie-Louise Luiking and Harshida Patel

scribes the personal and healthcare system-inherent barriers and enablers to
accessing and provision in this population. These include personal factors,
the healthcare system, accessing healthcare, the encounter and healthcare
experiences (see Figure 1 on p. 102).

The decision to seek care is therefore not a simple move taken by an indi-
vidual person, instead, it is a more complex process that is embedded within
a social, cultural and community context. Importantly, modern Information
Technology may play a crucial part in health seeking in the migrant popula-

Determinants of Health Seeking Behaviours
Self-efficacy and attitude may also play an important role in HCSB. Self-
efficacy is the belief in one’s competence to tackle tasks and to cope with
adversity in a broad range of stressful or challenging situations (Bandura,
1977). For example, while ill and in need of healthcare, self-efficacy emerged
as a dominant determinant of engagement in health compromising or health
promoting behaviours (Bandura, 1977, 1993). However, the relationship be-
tween self-efficacy and healthcare seeking behaviours within the migrant
population are to date unknown. Studies on the health of migrants in Eu-
rope focus on care experiences of those actively seeking care. Little is known
about factors that prevent migrants from seeking care and self-efficacy may
play an important role in ensuring personal health. The role and importance
of self-efficacy, personal networks and indeed, modern technologies such as
internet or apps on mobile phones in seeking care has not been reported, de-
spite technology becoming increasingly important in decision-making and
information seeking in all areas of life. An investigation of the role of self-
efficacy in HCSB and associated resources such as personal networks and
information technology will provide new perspectives on how to promote
effective care-seeking in the migrant population.

Literature Review of Migrant Patients’ Experiences of Healthcare
Insight into health disparities and associated barriers to care in the group of
migrant patients can be obtained by looking into the migrant patients’ per-
spective of their healthcare (Tilburt, 2010). Although a fair amount of atten-
tion in research has been given to migrant health, there was no systematic
synthesis of the evidence on migrant patient experience.

To address this gap in knowledge a review was done to synthesize pub-
lished literature related to adult migrant patients’ experiences of healthcare
and their healthcare seeking behaviours. The objective was a comprehen-

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