Page 104 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 104
ie-Louise Luiking and Harshida Patel

Background Access to healthcare The encounter
(in host country) Factor: Relationship
between migrant and
Factors: Personal healthcare professional

• Enculturation • Knowledge about Access to • Insecurity on how to
(country of origin) entitlement to care care behave (may be
• Life experience • Socio-economic No or in-
and context status sufficient • Language barriers
access to • Mentality: dependent
• Openness/ • Legal status care
willingness • Identified/ collective vs.
to integrate individualistic
acknowledged • Biomedical paradigm
• Network (supportive/ need for healthcare vs. holistic paradigm
unsupportive) • Cultural understanding
Adaptation and use
Factors: Healthcare stystem of alternative
health-seeking strategies
• Service provision and • ‘Gatekeeping’ by
quality healthcare staff The healthcare
• Legislation and Factors: Comparison with
entitlement to care care in home country;
Acceptance of host country
Figure 1 Influencing Factors: Migrant Patients’
Healthcare Experience (Adapted Positive evaluation
from Luiking et al., 2018)
Needs and expectations
met (information, care)
Negative evaluation

Patient needs and
expectations not met
(information, care)

Clinical Relevance
For the nurse in her encounter with a migrant the flow diagram shows the
personal factors and healthcare system factors that ante cede and shape
the encounter. It also shows the factors of the encounter itself which mat-
ter and the factors which determine how the migrant experiences the en-
counter subsequently. Healthcare professionals, nurses often perceive mi-
grants as ‘others,’ as being different from ‘them.’ This ‘othering’ prevents an
open-minded encounter and healthcare professionals, nurses need to be
mindful of potential prejudice. Migrants, like every individual, are shaped by

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