Page 66 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 66
vanni Delli Zotti

Table 1 Recommended Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Indicators

Target (1) (2)

Health Goal Target 3.7


• Proportion of family planning demand met with modern contraception ×

SRH Service Availability

• Proportion of health facilities that provide essential SRH services* ×

• Proportion of health facilities that provide postpartum, postabortion and/or ×
HIV services that also provide clients who use those services with contracep-
tive information and care

Knowledge About SRHR

• Proportion of young men and women aged 15–24 with basic knowledge about ×

Adolescent Fertility

• Adolescent birthrate (among women aged 10–14, 15–17 and 18–19)† ×

• Proportion of births to women younger than 20 that were unplanned ×

Quality of Care, Including Respect for Rights

• Proportion of women using contraceptives who were informed about possible ×
side effects of their method and how to deal with them, who were informed
about other family planning methods and who participated in the decision to
use contraceptives

• Proportion of family planning service sites with at least five modern methods ×

• Whether universal access to contraceptive and other SRH information and ser- ×
vices is included in national policy

• An indicator reflective of respectful care and human rights in provision of SRH ×
information and services

Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections

• Proportion of females who have received the recommended number of doses ×
of HPV vaccine prior to age 15

• Country includes HPV vaccination in its vaccination program ×


• Proportion of health facilities that provide care for complications related to ×
unsafe abortion or, where it is not against the law, that provide safe abortion

• Grounds under which induced abortion is legal ×

• Number of unsafe abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 (or 15–49) ×

Continued on the following page

The Hospital Demission Record (HDR)
Having ascertained that many macro level indicators and indexes are already
available, we will here focus on the micro level, dealing with the character-

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