Page 67 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 67
Working on Epidemiological Data: Problems Encountered and Lessons Learned

Table 1 Continued from the previous page

Target (1) (2)

Education Goal Target 4

• Comprehensive Sexuality Education

• Proportion of schools that serve students in the age range of 12–17 years in ×
which comprehensive sexuality education is available

Gender Equality Goal Target 5.6

Gender Equality in SRHR

• Respect for women’s sexual autonomy within marriage ×

• Whether universal access to contraceptive and SRH information and services is ×
included in national policy

Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) available, (2) aspirational. * Currently available only
in a small number of countries with special surveys. † Available for very few countries for those
aged 10–14. Adapted from Guttmacher Institute (2015, p. 3).

istics and criticalities that had an impact on the epidemiological survey car-
ried out by analyzing the Hospital Demission Records (HDR) provided by the
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo. In the following, we will thus comment on some of
the fields contained in the Excel files received, together with the technical-
methodological choices adopted to cope, where possible, to some critical
issues encountered.

The basic information on the demission division of the patient highlighted
a problem that must be taken into account, wanting to use this variable in a
longitudinal analysis. A complex structure sometimes provides internal reor-
ganizations and this may force interventions on past data.⁷ While the incor-
poration of a previously autonomous divisions can be easily manages, when
part of a structure becomes autonomous we are faced with a more complex
problem to face. Even more complex is the situation when hospital admis-
sions become outpatient services, since information to analyze move from
the hospital demission records to the outpatient services archive. In our case,
this happened when the Medical Assisted Reproduction Division was abol-
ished in 2014 and their activity passed to the outpatient services.

During a meeting with the Burlo Hospital partners, it was also learned that
in some periods of time patients were admitted to the two main divisions
(Obstetrics and Gynecology) taking into account organizational and not only
diagnostic aspects. Hence the consequence that Hospitalization Division is a

⁷ The situation is similar to that of the change from national currencies to Euro, which forces the
conversion of past economic data into the new currency to allow analyses in a longitudinal

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