Page 153 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 153
uts – school for life otrok in mladostnik – okolje | child and adolescent - environment
Mojca Kodelič
Elementary school Šentjernej, Prvomajska cesta 9, 8310 Šentjernej, Slovenia
Summer camp is based on co-existence with nature and the social component
of learning which encourages co-operation and co-operative learning between
peers and different generations. The question is – does it lead to better physi-
cal and psychological well-being? The local scouts connect different age groups
– from preschool children to pensioners. There are several scouting sessions in
nature throughout the year and the summer camp is the peak of intergenera-
tional socializing as an open learning environment. Participants are encouraged
to set personal goals leading to exploration, new knowledge and skills which
shine a light on the nature of learning both from cognitive and psychological
perspective, pointing out the indispensable significance of emotions in cogni-
tion and social interactions in brain function. Camp rules are abided by – no IT,
no sweets, there are healthy meals which the youths prepare themselves with
the help of a cook. Children and teens solve real-life problems through authen-
tic learning in a real-life context, thus connecting different areas of life and de-
veloping useful skills with high transfer value. Most children feel safe; there is a
feeling of calm and tolerance. The camp develops and strengthens competenc-
es, preparing youths to successfully face life's challenges in an ever-changing so-
ciety, influencing the creation of lifelong learning habits. Scouts are a way of life.
Keywords: natural environment, scouts, intergenerational co-operation,
authentic living, lifelong learning
Mojca Kodelič
Elementary school Šentjernej, Prvomajska cesta 9, 8310 Šentjernej, Slovenia
Summer camp is based on co-existence with nature and the social component
of learning which encourages co-operation and co-operative learning between
peers and different generations. The question is – does it lead to better physi-
cal and psychological well-being? The local scouts connect different age groups
– from preschool children to pensioners. There are several scouting sessions in
nature throughout the year and the summer camp is the peak of intergenera-
tional socializing as an open learning environment. Participants are encouraged
to set personal goals leading to exploration, new knowledge and skills which
shine a light on the nature of learning both from cognitive and psychological
perspective, pointing out the indispensable significance of emotions in cogni-
tion and social interactions in brain function. Camp rules are abided by – no IT,
no sweets, there are healthy meals which the youths prepare themselves with
the help of a cook. Children and teens solve real-life problems through authen-
tic learning in a real-life context, thus connecting different areas of life and de-
veloping useful skills with high transfer value. Most children feel safe; there is a
feeling of calm and tolerance. The camp develops and strengthens competenc-
es, preparing youths to successfully face life's challenges in an ever-changing so-
ciety, influencing the creation of lifelong learning habits. Scouts are a way of life.
Keywords: natural environment, scouts, intergenerational co-operation,
authentic living, lifelong learning