Page 203 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 203
cation for the appropriate work preparation – cross-curricular otrok in mladostnik – okolje | child and adolescent - environment
connection between Craft lessons and Sport for health (elective
Gabrijela Marinko
Elementary School Brezovica pri Ljubljani, Šolska ulica 15, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
Primary school curriculum supports cross-curricular approach. It aims at ap-
plying a higher level of connection among disciplinary skills and it increases
the quality and duration of the gained knowledge. Moreover, it also prepares
students for a better life, forming a more self-confident personality who will
be able to tackle the growing environmental challenges, following one of the
course outlines of craft lessons. Cross-curricular approach can be used and
bring craft lessons together with an elective subject called sport for health. It is
our wish to show the importance of getting well prepared for work, thus max-
imizing the outcome and minimizing the risk of injury. We decided to make a
new DIY sofa set school conversation corner and actively involve students in
the process. We wanted to emphasize the importance of good preparation
and organization, including warming-up and taking care of being able to lift
heavy burdens – following the moving safety tips and using the correct tech-
niques to help prevent injur and how to lift heavy objects properly. After pre-
senting the goals we focused on motor nerve patterns during the working pro-
cess. We learnt about various lifting, pulling and pushing techniques that help
us to lift heavy objects without hurting our joints or not to cause back pain and
the like. We will continue raising awareness about back health.
Keywords: work, ergonomy, warming-up, education, health
connection between Craft lessons and Sport for health (elective
Gabrijela Marinko
Elementary School Brezovica pri Ljubljani, Šolska ulica 15, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
Primary school curriculum supports cross-curricular approach. It aims at ap-
plying a higher level of connection among disciplinary skills and it increases
the quality and duration of the gained knowledge. Moreover, it also prepares
students for a better life, forming a more self-confident personality who will
be able to tackle the growing environmental challenges, following one of the
course outlines of craft lessons. Cross-curricular approach can be used and
bring craft lessons together with an elective subject called sport for health. It is
our wish to show the importance of getting well prepared for work, thus max-
imizing the outcome and minimizing the risk of injury. We decided to make a
new DIY sofa set school conversation corner and actively involve students in
the process. We wanted to emphasize the importance of good preparation
and organization, including warming-up and taking care of being able to lift
heavy burdens – following the moving safety tips and using the correct tech-
niques to help prevent injur and how to lift heavy objects properly. After pre-
senting the goals we focused on motor nerve patterns during the working pro-
cess. We learnt about various lifting, pulling and pushing techniques that help
us to lift heavy objects without hurting our joints or not to cause back pain and
the like. We will continue raising awareness about back health.
Keywords: work, ergonomy, warming-up, education, health