Page 31 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 31
ijela Domljan je rojena leta 1971 v Zagrebu. Diplomirala je na Fakulteti vabljeni predavatelji | invited lecturers
za uporabno umetnost in oblikovanje na Oddelku za arhitekturo (1990)
in Fakulteti za arhitekturo (1996) ter doktorirala na Fakulteti za goz-
darstvo v Zagrebu (2011) na temo Oblikovanje sodobnega šolskega pohišt-
va kot predpogoj za vzdrževanje zdravja učencev. Zaposlena je kot docent-
ka na Fakulteti za gozdarstvo, na Oddelku za pohištvo in lesne izdelke, kjer se
ukvarja z znanstvenim raziskovanjem in poučevanjem na področju oblikovan-
ja in tehnologije lesa, umetnosti in ergonomije s poudarkom na projektnem
razmišljanju, okoljskih analizah in uporabniku prijazne podpore pri reševanju
problemov. Je dobitnica številnih priznanj s področja njenega dela in strokovna
članica Hrvaške zveze oblikovalcev, Hrvaškega ergonomskega društva, Društ-
va za industrijsko oblikovanje pri Gospodarski zbornici, Združenja OPA, UBU
in članica številnih nacionalnih odborov. Objavila je več kot 95 znanstveno-ra-
ziskovalnih del, ter kot gostujoči profesor izvedla več kot 40 predavanj na kon-
ferencah in kongresih po Evropi in ZDA.
Danijela Domljan. Born in Zagreb in 1971, graduated from the Faculty for Appli-
ed Art and Design, Department of Architecture (1990), and at Faculty of Ar-
chitecture (1996). In 2011 she defended her doctoral thesis upon the title The
Design of Contemporary School Furniture as a Prerequisite for Maintenance
of Pupils' Health at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb. Currently, she is emplo-
yed as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, dealing with sci-
entific research and teaching in design field, combining design and wood tech-
nology, art and ergonomic with the focus on design thinking, environmental
analyses and user oriented solving problem. She is a professional member of
the Croatian Designers Association, Croatian Ergonomic Society, Association
for Industrial Design at the Chamber of Commerce, the Association of OPA,
UBU and numerous committees (Ministry of Education, Zagreb Fairs, Cham-
ber of Economy, Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Edu-
cation, etc.) as a designer. As a scientist and researcher she has published over
95 scientific and popular science works, held more than 40 lectures at confe-
rences and congresses and visited over 10 Universities in Europe and USA as
visiting guest and professor.

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