Page 34 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 34
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents Jouni Tuomi je doktoriral na Jyväskylä Univerzi na Finskem leta 1997. Svoje de-
lo je opravljal na številnih univerzah na Finskem, danes je zaposlen kot no-
silec predmetov na področju promocije zdravja na »Tampere University of
Applied Sciences«. Je vodja finskega nacionalnega projekta »Wise Choises -
Preconception Health Development among Youths and Young Adults« (2018-
2020) in koordinator ERASMUS+ projekta »Preconception Health of Youth«
(2018-2020). Objavil je več kot 100 prispevkov in je avtor številnih monografij
ter sourednik več kot 10 monografij iz različnih področij.
Jouni Tuomi has completed his PhD from Jyväskylä University 1997. He has
worked in different Universities in Finland. Nowadays he is a Principal Lectur-
er in Health Promotion in Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and a pro-
ject manager in (National) “Wise Choises - Preconception Health Develop-
ment among Youths and Young Adults” (2018-2020) and a project coordinator
in (European) “Preconception Health of Youth” (2018-2020). He has published
100 papers in Finnish and some in English, and is an author of several books as
well as co-editor over 10 books in Finnish in different fields.
lo je opravljal na številnih univerzah na Finskem, danes je zaposlen kot no-
silec predmetov na področju promocije zdravja na »Tampere University of
Applied Sciences«. Je vodja finskega nacionalnega projekta »Wise Choises -
Preconception Health Development among Youths and Young Adults« (2018-
2020) in koordinator ERASMUS+ projekta »Preconception Health of Youth«
(2018-2020). Objavil je več kot 100 prispevkov in je avtor številnih monografij
ter sourednik več kot 10 monografij iz različnih področij.
Jouni Tuomi has completed his PhD from Jyväskylä University 1997. He has
worked in different Universities in Finland. Nowadays he is a Principal Lectur-
er in Health Promotion in Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and a pro-
ject manager in (National) “Wise Choises - Preconception Health Develop-
ment among Youths and Young Adults” (2018-2020) and a project coordinator
in (European) “Preconception Health of Youth” (2018-2020). He has published
100 papers in Finnish and some in English, and is an author of several books as
well as co-editor over 10 books in Finnish in different fields.