Page 71 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 71
care of psychosocial health of children at the beginning psihosocialno zdravje v otroštvu in v mladosti | psychosocial health in childhood and youth
of schooling
Barbara Krkoč Umer
Elementary School Vojke Šmuc Izola, Prešernova cesta 4, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
The purpose of this paper is to present the method of work, which enables
learning to the youngest participants of the elementary school, consistent with
their developmental stage abilities, and needs. At the Vojka Šmuc Elementa-
ry School, we have been performing the elements of the Montessori pedago-
gy for a series of years. The method is named after Maria Montessori, an Ital-
ian doctor and fighter for the rights of children. The leading motif is “Help me
to do it myself”. The classroom is an encouraging learning environment. There
are a lot of didactic accessories. A child needs activities, they learn so that they
handle the materials and use senses. The Montessori pedagogy is also used to
help plan the socialization exercises. We act the rules of behavior, a child en-
gages the rules and spontaneously learns respectful and polite behavior. Con-
flicts are solved regularly. Children are taught the strategies of conflict solving
with the assistance of concrete accessories (photographs and a purse of friend-
ship). The assessment of knowledge and grading is also performed with respect
to the needs of children. Knowledge is tested regularly. We watch students at
work and write down the progress. Standards of knowledge are achieved grad-
ually, in an individualized manner. We are ascertaining that with the use of al-
ternate ways of teaching, we are receiving good results. The learning process
is relaxed, there’s more time to perform differentiation and individualization.
Keywords: Montessori pedagogy, socialization, formative assessment of the
knowledge, first-grade students
of schooling
Barbara Krkoč Umer
Elementary School Vojke Šmuc Izola, Prešernova cesta 4, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
The purpose of this paper is to present the method of work, which enables
learning to the youngest participants of the elementary school, consistent with
their developmental stage abilities, and needs. At the Vojka Šmuc Elementa-
ry School, we have been performing the elements of the Montessori pedago-
gy for a series of years. The method is named after Maria Montessori, an Ital-
ian doctor and fighter for the rights of children. The leading motif is “Help me
to do it myself”. The classroom is an encouraging learning environment. There
are a lot of didactic accessories. A child needs activities, they learn so that they
handle the materials and use senses. The Montessori pedagogy is also used to
help plan the socialization exercises. We act the rules of behavior, a child en-
gages the rules and spontaneously learns respectful and polite behavior. Con-
flicts are solved regularly. Children are taught the strategies of conflict solving
with the assistance of concrete accessories (photographs and a purse of friend-
ship). The assessment of knowledge and grading is also performed with respect
to the needs of children. Knowledge is tested regularly. We watch students at
work and write down the progress. Standards of knowledge are achieved grad-
ually, in an individualized manner. We are ascertaining that with the use of al-
ternate ways of teaching, we are receiving good results. The learning process
is relaxed, there’s more time to perform differentiation and individualization.
Keywords: Montessori pedagogy, socialization, formative assessment of the
knowledge, first-grade students