Page 75 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 75
ected mental disorders amongst competitively active psihosocialno zdravje v otroštvu in v mladosti | psychosocial health in childhood and youth
and inactive youth
Uroš Perko, Maša Černelič Bizjak
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
Introduction: One of the most important factors of maintaining mental and
physical health is physical activity. Young athletes can be exposed to high levels
of stress, especially due to many trainings, high expectations and lack of leisure
time. These factors can heighten susceptibility to problems in mental health.
Methods: 38 adolescents participated in the research. 28 sport active, 12 sport
inactive (13 males and 25 females, average age 17,29 SD=1,431). We utilized an
introductory questionary, questionary about depressions, anxieties, eating dis-
orders and the level of risk of drinking alcohol.
Results: Statistically relevant differences are in alcohol consume and the risk
levels of drinking alcohol. Sport inactive adolescents take higher risks drinking
and drink larger amounts of alcohol. There was no statistically important dif-
ferences in the other indicators. It is alarming that many adolescents report
a high number of depression symptoms regardless of being involved in sports.
Male adolescents show less symptoms of depression in comparison to the fe-
male candidates.
Discussion and conclusion: Being involved in sports can be a preventive meas-
ure towards some problems in the adolescent age, such as consuming alcohol.
The youth has reported elevated numbers of depression simptoms regardless
of involvement in sports. It has been noticed that female are more susceptible
to stress and accompanying health problems, such as depression, anxiety and
eating disorder.
Keywords: youth, anxiety, depression, eating disoreders, alcohol

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