Page 455 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 455
Rome. In addition to composing (more than a hundred units), which is for
him his primary occupation, he speaks at symposiums and publishes mon-
ographs and academic papers (see SICRIS, researcher number 15469). His
past and current research is based on a broad-based orientation of study,
which extends from composition to musical analysis and musicological and
humanistic research. As he himself puts it in the paper ‘Musical elements of
Slovene’, for him music is the secret soul of language.
Vita Gruodytė (
is a researcher at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilni-
us). After Doctoral Studies with Tempus Programme at Helsinki Universi-
ty, she gained a Ph.D. in musicology from the Lithuanian Academy of The-
atre and Music in 2000 with a Doctoral thesis entitled “The Phenomena of
Space in the Music of the 20th Century”. She was Researcher at the Lithu-
anian Museum of Music, Theater and Cinema, at the University of Klaipe-
da (Lithuania), and supervised researches at the Invisible College of the So-
ros Foundation in Vilnius. She is a Member of the Lithuanian Composers
Union and a correspondent with the Lithuanian cultural magazine “Fields
of Culture”. Her research focuses on aesthetics and the history of 20th cen-
tury music, cultural and political influences in contemporary music and
in particular, on the emergence of a national identity in Lithuanian music.
Luba Kijanovska (
geb. in Lviv. Studium der Musikwissenschaft am Lviver Lyssenko-Konserv-
atorium (1979), Ph. d. 1985 (Funktionen des Programms in der Wahrne-
hmung des Musikwerkes), habilitiert 2000 (Die Evolution der galizischen
Musikkultur der XIX – XX Jahrhunderte); von 1987 – Dozent, von 1995 –
Professor, von 1991 – Inhaberin des Stuhls für Musikgeschichte an Lviver
Nationalen Musikakademie „Mykola Lyssenko“. Forschungsschwerpunkte
– Musikkultur Galiziens, Musikpsychologie, Geschichte der ukrainischen
Musik, Beziehungen der ukrainischen Musik zu anderen europäischen
musikalischen Nationalschulen, Musikpädagogik.
Darja Koter (
is full professor at the Academy of Music of Ljubljana University. Research
works on various topics like history of musical instruments, music iconog-
raphy, music performing and about works of composers. Collaboration in
research projects of the University of Bonn and of the University of Ljublja-
na. Monographs: Glasbilarstvo na Slovenskem (2001, 2004), Musica coeles-
Rome. In addition to composing (more than a hundred units), which is for
him his primary occupation, he speaks at symposiums and publishes mon-
ographs and academic papers (see SICRIS, researcher number 15469). His
past and current research is based on a broad-based orientation of study,
which extends from composition to musical analysis and musicological and
humanistic research. As he himself puts it in the paper ‘Musical elements of
Slovene’, for him music is the secret soul of language.
Vita Gruodytė (
is a researcher at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilni-
us). After Doctoral Studies with Tempus Programme at Helsinki Universi-
ty, she gained a Ph.D. in musicology from the Lithuanian Academy of The-
atre and Music in 2000 with a Doctoral thesis entitled “The Phenomena of
Space in the Music of the 20th Century”. She was Researcher at the Lithu-
anian Museum of Music, Theater and Cinema, at the University of Klaipe-
da (Lithuania), and supervised researches at the Invisible College of the So-
ros Foundation in Vilnius. She is a Member of the Lithuanian Composers
Union and a correspondent with the Lithuanian cultural magazine “Fields
of Culture”. Her research focuses on aesthetics and the history of 20th cen-
tury music, cultural and political influences in contemporary music and
in particular, on the emergence of a national identity in Lithuanian music.
Luba Kijanovska (
geb. in Lviv. Studium der Musikwissenschaft am Lviver Lyssenko-Konserv-
atorium (1979), Ph. d. 1985 (Funktionen des Programms in der Wahrne-
hmung des Musikwerkes), habilitiert 2000 (Die Evolution der galizischen
Musikkultur der XIX – XX Jahrhunderte); von 1987 – Dozent, von 1995 –
Professor, von 1991 – Inhaberin des Stuhls für Musikgeschichte an Lviver
Nationalen Musikakademie „Mykola Lyssenko“. Forschungsschwerpunkte
– Musikkultur Galiziens, Musikpsychologie, Geschichte der ukrainischen
Musik, Beziehungen der ukrainischen Musik zu anderen europäischen
musikalischen Nationalschulen, Musikpädagogik.
Darja Koter (
is full professor at the Academy of Music of Ljubljana University. Research
works on various topics like history of musical instruments, music iconog-
raphy, music performing and about works of composers. Collaboration in
research projects of the University of Bonn and of the University of Ljublja-
na. Monographs: Glasbilarstvo na Slovenskem (2001, 2004), Musica coeles-