Page 457 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 457
partook in many international symposiums where he introduced and rep-
resented Slovene music (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, It-
aly, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Germany, Norway, Romania,
Switzerland, Slovenia and Turkey).
His most important works include: Glasbeni instrumenti na srednjeveških
freskah v Sloveniji (1973), Glasbena Ljubljana 1899–1919 (1985) Glasba in druž-
ba (1988), Mahler in Ljubljana (1997 in 2011, the revised German translation
was published in 2001 in Vienna), Slovenska filharmonija – Academia phil-
harmonicorum 1701–2001 (2001), Zgodbe o glasbi in glasbenikih (2004), Slov-
enski skladatelji v portretih Saše Šantla (together with Verena Koršič Zorn,
2005), Ljubljanska filharmonična družba 1794–1919 (2005), 100 let Slovenske
filharmonije (2008), Zanesenjaki in mojstri (2011). In domestic and foreign
journals (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Germany, Slo-
vakia) he published articles on Slovene music. He was guest professor at the
University of Munich and in Freiburg im Breisgau.
Zoryana Lastovetska-Solanska (
was born 1980 in Drohobych. From 1999 till 2004 she studied at the Myko-
la Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music, Department of History of Mu-
sic. From 1999 until 2005, she studied at the Ivan Franko Lviv National
University, Department of English Philology. In 2007, she got Ph.D. in Art
Sciences at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music. The dis-
sertation’s title was Musical values and needs in modern cultural contin-
uum of Ukraine. Her research focuses on History of Music, Musical Soci-
ology, Musical Infrastructure, Music and Literature. From 2014 until the
present, she has been working as an Assistant Professor (Docent) of the De-
partment of History of Music at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Acad-
emy of Music.
Jana Lengová (
studierte Musiktheorie an der Hochschule für Musik und musische Kün-
ste in Bratislava (1971–1976). Seit 1990 ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
des Instituts für Musikwissenschaft der Slowakischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaften in Bratislava. Sie spezialisiert sich auf die Musikgeschichte des
19. und teilweise des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Slowakei im Kontext der eu-
ropäischen Musikkultur. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Leben und Werk der
Komponisten Ján Levoslav Bella, Josef Thiard-Laforest, Josef Striczl, Steph-
anie Wurmbrand-Stuppach u.a., sowie Stadtmusikkultur (Bratislava, Lev-
partook in many international symposiums where he introduced and rep-
resented Slovene music (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, It-
aly, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Germany, Norway, Romania,
Switzerland, Slovenia and Turkey).
His most important works include: Glasbeni instrumenti na srednjeveških
freskah v Sloveniji (1973), Glasbena Ljubljana 1899–1919 (1985) Glasba in druž-
ba (1988), Mahler in Ljubljana (1997 in 2011, the revised German translation
was published in 2001 in Vienna), Slovenska filharmonija – Academia phil-
harmonicorum 1701–2001 (2001), Zgodbe o glasbi in glasbenikih (2004), Slov-
enski skladatelji v portretih Saše Šantla (together with Verena Koršič Zorn,
2005), Ljubljanska filharmonična družba 1794–1919 (2005), 100 let Slovenske
filharmonije (2008), Zanesenjaki in mojstri (2011). In domestic and foreign
journals (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Germany, Slo-
vakia) he published articles on Slovene music. He was guest professor at the
University of Munich and in Freiburg im Breisgau.
Zoryana Lastovetska-Solanska (
was born 1980 in Drohobych. From 1999 till 2004 she studied at the Myko-
la Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music, Department of History of Mu-
sic. From 1999 until 2005, she studied at the Ivan Franko Lviv National
University, Department of English Philology. In 2007, she got Ph.D. in Art
Sciences at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music. The dis-
sertation’s title was Musical values and needs in modern cultural contin-
uum of Ukraine. Her research focuses on History of Music, Musical Soci-
ology, Musical Infrastructure, Music and Literature. From 2014 until the
present, she has been working as an Assistant Professor (Docent) of the De-
partment of History of Music at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Acad-
emy of Music.
Jana Lengová (
studierte Musiktheorie an der Hochschule für Musik und musische Kün-
ste in Bratislava (1971–1976). Seit 1990 ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
des Instituts für Musikwissenschaft der Slowakischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaften in Bratislava. Sie spezialisiert sich auf die Musikgeschichte des
19. und teilweise des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Slowakei im Kontext der eu-
ropäischen Musikkultur. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Leben und Werk der
Komponisten Ján Levoslav Bella, Josef Thiard-Laforest, Josef Striczl, Steph-
anie Wurmbrand-Stuppach u.a., sowie Stadtmusikkultur (Bratislava, Lev-