Page 432 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik X (2014), številka 19-20, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 432
the present time. When approximately half of Prekmurje was returned under the
Roman Catholic Church and when in 1732 Reformation church organization
was finally abolished in Prekmurje, only the so-called “designated” places in
Hungary allowed the people of Prekmurje to have Lutheran church services and
school education until the Patent of Toleration, and consequently the role of
books in the local language was even more important in preserving and deepen-
ing their faith. The article particularly emphasizes the fact that Küzmič’s trans-
lation of the New Testament was a powerful and valuable linguistic achievement
and a cultural action of the first order.

UDC 811.163.6(497.4Prekmurje)
Darja Markoja
The language situation in Prekmurje in the period
from the Reformation to the beginning of the 20th century
The Prekmurje standard language (PSL) began its formation with the first
book of local Slovene Protestants in their native language (1715) and had not
only a nationally representative role but also a (religious) distinguishing one,
since the Croatian dialect of standard Kajkavian was then used among Prekmur-
je Catholics. The article gives a survey of the use of PSL in Protestant and then
also Catholic religious literature in churches and schools and from the beginning
of the 20th century also in journalism. The Hungarian state, to which Slovenes
in Prekmurje and Porabje belonged administratively, gave PSL - until the begin-
ning of the Hungarian national awakening movement (1790-1848) – only an
informal status as the confessional and teaching language within the Protestant
and Catholic Churches, while its use in all other situations involving public
speaking was impossible, and later on was even forbidden by law. In the good
200 years of its existence PSL was never codified, but the basic regularities of the
standard language of the Protestant Štefan Küzmič and the Catholic Mikloš
Küzmič were preserved by the so-called hidden codification, i.e. codification with
the help of texts. After the political annexation of Prekmurje (but not Porabje)
to Yugoslavia (1919), the Slovene standard language (SSL) was introduced as the
common official language of the Slovene part of the state, thus PSL could no
longer fulfil its function of the official and standard language, but it was pre-
served in some journalism and in churches. The specific character of this trans-
fer also defines the historical status which PSL has in relation to SSL – namely,
the relative lack of conflict over replacing PSL with SSL means that PSL in the
consciousness of Prekmurje people as well as of researchers is considered a pos-
itive, nation-forming linguistic fact and not as a phenomenon of linguistic lo-
calism or separatism.

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