Page 431 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik X (2014), številka 19-20, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 431
nated entries, different kinds of derivatives often occur: with a noun headword,
for example, the naming of doers of an action or bearers of a state or property,
female counterparts for male denotations, diminutives, derived adjectives; with
an adjective headword, noun forms and adverbs formed by conversion; with verb
headwords gerunds and participles, prefixed verbs, infinitives, etc. (in MD 1592
such words as bojovanje, goreč, dokončati, razfilati, posmehavati, cagost, selstvo, boter +
botra, ajdovski, dvesto are not covered in MTh 1603, while in MTh 1603 such words
as počakanje, požrešenje, cagan, premojstriti, devati, grozdovje, prikupavec + prikupavica
are not covered in MD 1592). In MTh 1603 certain word-formational types also
stand out for their frequency or instability: there are more diminutives of the
type kravica, gradič, while rarer verbal derivatives of the type popostaviti, the infin-
itive hočiti, the participle vzen, numerals of the type petred, the adverb osembart,
etc. are found.

In both dictionaries words and their phonetic variants are quoted with mark-
ers showing their Carinthian provenance, nevertheless there are considerably
more words, phonetic variants and forms known from Carinthia recorded in
MTh 1603. The unilateral quoting of words marked as Carniolan, Bezjakian or
Eastern Slovenian and Croatian also points to a similar ratio. In MTh 1603 with
its greater compass there is also an increased number of non-overlapping pho-
netic and word-formational variants (e.g. beside the overlapping forms jajca,
jenjati, britbar there are ajca, henjati, britvar, etc.), although there also exist more
examples of unilaterally evidenced greater variation in the four-language dictio-
nary. Among the more noticeable differentiating features of the polyglot dictio-
nary one observes the replacement of the full prefix iz- with the more easily
pronounced s- (e.g. sprazniti, stegniti). A content analysis of the vocabulary includ-
ed reveals a similar proportion in the use of non-overlapping names. The com-
prehensiveness of geographical names is one of the differentiating features: the
four-language dictionary shows more geographically bound, non-overlappingly
used names (angelska deshela for Engelland), but on the other hand the naming of
letters (e.g. boga, dobro) occurs only in MTh 1603.

UDC 27-282.4(497.4-8)
Franc Kuzmič
The literary creativity of Prekmurje Lutherans
On the basis of his own and others’ bibliographical and historical research
the author gives a survey of publications either in the original Prekmurje stan-
dard language, beginning with the small catechism (Franc Temlin, 1715) and
strengthened with the translation of the New Testament (Števan Küzmič, 1771),
or in the common Slovene standard language, introduced later and used up to

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