Page 71 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 71
ia universitatis in the Heritage Trails and without invol- ced decline of the most successful tourism
6 | m. koščak – the challenges for sustainable tour ism development ... 71 vement of rural community from the very destination in the country.
early stage of initiative, the entire process – In the light of above, continuity of per-
will fail to operate as ideally as they shou- sonnel in DMO would be extremely impor-
ld. Namely, the rural community, which is tant. In the region exists a number of expe-
involved and committed to tourism, must rienced managers possessing professional
and should be responsible, in co-operation expertise and skills, which are important to
with professional institutions for cultural be invited and used in the process of esta-
and natural heritage, for site management blishment of efficient DMO. Beside these
and should also gain added value from their characteristics, it would be also important
involvement in the rural tourism. that DMO management will gain trust and
– Slovenian Istria is a known tourist destina- support from key tourism stakeholders, na-
tion, not only on the domestic market but as mely hotel chain owners, which are at the
well on some immediate international mar- moment not responding to the initiati-
kets - particularly Italian, but also Austrian, ves for creation of a regional DMO. There-
German and lately (despite decline in 2014) fore both the economic and political envi-
Russian market. But its identity is still gre- ronment must find consensus for acceptable
atly dependent on the 3S product. Unfor- destination management.
tunately very little has been done in recent – In this region, as well as other tourism sta-
years to open up the rural hinterland by keholders, is a Faculty of Tourism Studi-
offering new, innovative and exciting touri- es – Turistica and other Faculties and their
sm products in rural area that has high po- departments, which are active on the field
tentials for tourism development of superb of tourism research, have sufficient exper-
class. For a successful destination offer it tise, are experienced in development and
would be imperative to create a unique mix management of cultural tourism products
of characteristics, which are determined by and above all willing to assists the process
its geographical location, culture and his- of establishment of sustainable, transpa-
tory. This should be a focus of those who rent and efficient DMO in the region. Such
are responsible for the destination manage- expertise and energy should be used in the
ment and wish to influence the experiences process of creation of DMO.
of both visitors and residents.
– The failure, which has extended over the The tourist sector is one of the fastest grow-
last ten and more years, in creation of effi- ing economic sectors in the world, but also the
cient DMO is one of the most painful ele- one where there is the greatest competition. In
ments and reasons, why Slovenian Istria did present times of globalization, liberalization and
not perform as coherent, modern tourist de- deregulation, tourist subjects are facing fearsome
stination and uses its best tourism potenti- competition. That is the reason why the success
als to be offered on both domestic and in- of a destination depends on the overall level of
ternational markets. Lack of co-operation services quality, which represents the function
and trust between key stakeholders, which of a whole series of variables which are united
are driving their own interests rather than under the same denominator of the destination
work together on promotion of destination, management (DMO- Destination Management
development of integrated tourism produ- Organization). Slovenian Istria is not an exemp-
cts and performing through well-organised tion. Key players in tourism will need to urgently
destination management framework seems agree how to organize regions tourism manage-
to be a long and lonely path towards eviden- ment unless they want to face further tourism
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