Page 36 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 36
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 36can peruse a general overview on the screen orly and non-invasively put into the marking posts
can, if it has raised an interest, make profit of the made of stone. The design for the posts was cre-
hereditatimore detailed description and more informationated in collaboration with the vocational school
with only one click. Some objects are also linked in Sežana, the only educational entity with the
with other tourism offers nearby – like village’s course of the stone processing in Slovenia.
inns with traditional cuisine or breathtaking vi- Camino de Santiago or The Way of St. James
ewpoints. Needless to say, the most highly developed and
numerously visited European routes ever sin-
Despite the title none of the routes is stri- ce the Early Medieval Ages have been without
ctly only archaeological, as there is also some a single doubt pilgrimage routes. The most fa-
stress on the cultural, as well as natural herita- mous route, Camino de Santiago or The Way of
ge sights (like the pilgrimage church of St. Mary St. James, is each year undertaken by more than
in Strunjan, traditional village Cetore or Natu- 100.000 people from the whole Europe, who
ral Park Strunjan with the adjoining salt pans). have taken it not only to see in vivo the shrine of
apostle St. James the Great in the Cathedral of
Living Landscape Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in Spain, but
The extremely rich intangible heritage of kar- also to spiritually clean theirselves or to visit and
stic area in Slovenia and Italy was (as in general stop by numerous churches and other sacral buil-
overview counts for the intangible heritage as a dings built through centuries on the road.
whole) neglected until the last decades, as even
UNESCO only in 2003 passed the Convention Fig.5: A typical signpost, with Jacobs‘ scalop as symbol,
for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural along the pilgrims way. Photo: Janja Rižnar 2015.
Through constant and ceaseless pilgrima-
Within the bilateral, Italian-Slovenian, pro- ge from all over Europe a very ramified system
ject Living Landscape (SLO IT PP3 2013–2015) of the paths that lead to the same target has
under the leadership of University of Primorska
and in collaboration not only with the project
partners and experts on the field, but what is of
the special importance for the integration in the
local environment, also with the students and lo-
cal community, the mythological-folklore park
Rodik has been designed. Although the park
has (due to the lack of money) not been set yet,
all the necessary steps towards the final imple-
mentation have already been made. The compre-
hensive elaborate includes the locations and the
interpretation of the single sites with the short
description. Additionally, the official permission
for the creation of the park (taking into account
the guidelines set in the elaborate) from the In-
stitute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of
Slovenia has been already gained. Each mapped
location would be equipped with the explana-
tion that would be (under the consideration of
the natural heritage sites protection) ecological-

7 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heri-
tage, UNESCO 2003,
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