Page 32 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 32
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 32as show the different European project ofaction, responsibilities, funding resources and fi-
which it was the topic. nally a 5 or 10 year management plan, including
hereditati– „Stonemasons and Stones“ do represent ana jointly defined agenda of actions and activities,
illustrative case of European memory, his- funding, PR and graphic design, strategic links
tory and heritage since the memory of the with related stakeholders (tourist operators, to-
pathways of itinerant craftsmans as well as urism offices, public and private transport pro-
the several surviving architectural show-ca- viders, ...).
ses are the result of historical micro-sca-
le migrations, but due to the tight links In order to achieve its key objective – con-
between craftsmen and rich commissioners tribution to the conservation and dissemination
are also evidence of broad currents of civili- of heritage values, the major common task of the
sation and cultural development. network, however, resides in the interpretation
– The proposed programme along the route of the ECR topic – this is the historical use of
does lend itself to cultural and educational stone and its related routes.
exchanges of young people, namely throu-
gh the several possibilities offered by the Interpretation and presentation
hands-on workshops.
– The proposal in itself already represents an In order to efficiently achieve a long-term im-
initiative for an innovative project in the plementation of the route and as well as to ad-
field of cultural tourism and sustainable here to the official requests for ECR methodo-
cultural development. logy, a well-considered interpretation should be
– The route‘s programme is concieved as a devised, along with its infrastructure. For these
lon-term multilateral co-operation project, purposes, we follow the international standards,
involved in different field of action (equally pre-set by the “Ename Charter” on Interpreta-
in the co-operation in research and develop- tion and presentation of cultural heritage sites,
ment as well as promoting cultural and cre- promoted by ICOMOS in 2008.
ative tourism). Finally, it is to be set up by a
multidisciplinary netowork located in diffe- Being every act of heritage conservation,
rent CoE states. also a communicative act, an Interpretation plan
for the whole Route should be prepared. The task
Management of the route of interpretation is to “enhance personal experi-
ence, increase public respect and understanding,
In first place, an adequate form for the mana- and communicate the importance of the cultu-
gement and cross-border collaboration should ral heritage sites” (Ename charter 2008, Princi-
be defined. The best way for calibrated and fi- ple 1.1 in Grobovšek 2014, 48), in our case the hi-
ne-tuned activities, a network of delegated orga- storic stonemasonry of the Adriatic is a physical
nisations should be set-up. In this concrete case, proof for the transnational values of respect of
the already set-up network of the RoofOfRock multi-culturality as well as intercultural exchan-
show-case towns could be a starting structu- ge and learning.
re, to which other organisations would join. In
each region involved, one responsible organisa- Visual identity
tion should be chosen, either from public orga- In order to communicate the connecting valu-
nisations (universities, museums, heritage insti- es of the route – the presence and historic use
tutes etc.), associations or NGOs. The network of stone – an easily identifiable logo and a visu-
organisations would then define its advisory bo- al identity, which would greet the traveller all
ard, the decision-making procedure, fields of throughout the route, should be designed. Cle-
arly, it will have to be a concise and modern,
highly recognizable image – to be used in all re-
lated promotional material. Most likely the ima-
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