Page 19 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 19
ia universitatisitage to the signs and symbolism of the works, to KR – Knowledge of the Resource
applying the inter pr etive equation to facilitating cultur al exper iences ... 19 frame them in the history of time, the rationale, Knowledge of the Resource (KR) documents the
the emotion. The digital tools are built on these asset history, past and present uses and issues,
principles, so that the selected target publics ex- current conditions, potential threats and op-
perience the topic with an aesthetic enjoyment portunities; however, we argue that the pro-
that completes the most fascinating human ex- cess should include an understanding of herme-
perience: crossing time, space, and acquiring neutics. We have embedded within the body of
new knowledge. The effort is focused in gener- knowledge the asset significance, e.g., all the rea-
ating clues for the individual revelation of hid- sons why each selected asset has been deemed
den meanings within historically validated sto- important and relevant enough to be safeguard-
ries, whose narratives intend to affect users in a ed and communicated. The KR knowledge base
cognitive-emotional way. Universal concepts are concludes with a statement of significance for
used to present socio-cultural phenomena and each asset expressed in the learning objectives
recreate the past. Prior and expert knowledge that make the asset relevant, significant and
about heritage assets is set to zero. The digital unique to the selected target publics.
heritage presentation is adjusted to visual, audi-
tory and intellectual needs, reducing extrane- KA – Knowledge of the Audience
ous cognitive loads using the principles of both Any meaning that is not relevant to the audi-
HCA and hermeneutics; universal concepts are ence is ignored, thus Knowledge of the Audience
exploited to generate familiarity and facilitate is equally important to KR. KA implies a variety
an effortless understanding and the grasping of of data like visitation, demographic information,
a meaningful content; learning objectives are de- group identity, culture, ethnicity, learning styles,
fined and an audio-visually supported cultural motivations, expectations, interests. Within this
narrative has been developed. spirit ADHOC address the particularities of the
selected target publics and offer multiple oppor-
The Interpretive Equation tunities for them to find their own personal con-
Extensively used by the National Park Service nections with the meanings of heritage assets
and other interpretive facilities in the United presented.
States, the Interpretive Equation (KR + KA) x
AT = IO   is a metaphor for understanding the
foundational elements of the interpretation of
heritage and provides a memorable way to vis-
ualize, analyze, articulate and balance interpre-
tive services.

(KR + KA) x AT = IO

KR Knowledge of the Resource (Natural, Cultural, In-
tangible Asset)

KA Knowledge of the Audience

AT Appropriate Implementation Technique or/and Me-
dia Selection

IO Interpretive Opportunity Figure 2: AD HOC Digital Storytelling Structure.

Figure 1: The Interpretive Equation Table. Modified
from NPS
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