Page 82 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 82
studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
Figure 9: The iconic objects of ‘Flight and expulsion’, like the ladder truck and the chest, are to be seen in the perma-
nent exhibition on the second floor (photo: Catherine Perron, 2015)
vide an understanding of which experienc- everydayness as Wagner (2011, 11) argues, their
es can be understood as universal and sub- sign content is only fragmentary and needs to here
stantial in the context of forced migrations. be re-contextualised. This happens in two ways:
[Bavendamm et al., 2017, 25] first through the life stories and accounts of ex-
Hence, their function is more than the re- perience that complement them (they are brief-
construction of what has been lost. They aim ly touched upon in the attached biography flaps
neither at supporting historic reconstructions, and can be found in more detail in the audio
as in the §96 Regional Museums, nor to embody narratives, each of which can be activated). Sec-
an imagined past, as in the Heimatmuseen. Their ond, through the historical-scientific narrative
function is, according to the concept of the per- that determines the overall narration perspec-
manent exhibition, the “presentation of indi- tive of the exhibition, and the way in which they
vidual fates and the presentation of biographi- are arranged.
cal narrative strands against a general historical
background” (Bavendamm et al. 2017, 25). If A Source Critical Approach: The studiauniversitatis
they speak for themselves through their intrin- Disentanglement of the Real and the Relic
sic “quality, haptics, aesthetics, aura, authentic- It is in the relationship between the objects and
ity, and emotionality”, because of their sheer the stories that the specificity of the approach of