Page 77 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 77

ly topical theme in a Germany that increasingly
               sees itself as a post-migration society). As the cu-
               rators explain,  migrations were the elephant in
               the room at the time the permanent exhibition
               was drafted, the time of the massive arrival of ref-
               ugees on German soil in the mid 2010s. Migra-
               tions as a topic was pervasive in German society
               and the historical parallelism with flight and ex-
               pulsion after World War II was a frequent trope
               in German media and culture (Perron 2021). To
               gain some credibility, the Documentation Cen-
               tre could not avoid the topic.
                   As a result, the universal dimensions of the   Figure 3: Key to a lost home in Northern Cyprus, shown   77
               experience of migrating were included in the ex-
 ti            hibition  on  the  first  floor,  which  was  initially   in the first floor of the exhibition
                                                           (photo: Catherine Perron, 2015)
               thought to be dedicated to the European history
               of forced migrations.   Aspects such as Nations
 ta            Rights and Responsibility, Loss and New Begin-                                              a visible sign with a “quiet gesture”?
               and Nationalism but also War and Violence,
               nings, Routes and Camps, Memory and Contro-
               versy are treated as the main stations of an open
 di            tour. However, numerous references to present
               migrations are to be found, in the texts as well
               as in the objects displayed.  An orange life jack-
               et used for crossing the Mediterranean, a dam-
               aged smartphone of a Syrian refugee, a reference
 here          of the world-wide number of refugees in 2019,   Figure 4: The life jacket of a migrant that crossed
               to the Dublin III regulations of the EU, figures

               the description of current asylum procedures in
               Germany, refugee law and refugee aid, etc. The
               parallelism drawn with “flight and expulsion” is
                                                           the Mediterranean (photo: Catherine Perron, 2015)
               reinforced by the fact that some of these objects
                                                           the iconic objects of “flight and expulsion” with
               of today’s refugees that  are displayed replicate
                   many in 2015 gave the exhibition a new conceptual thrust.
                                                           set, a key to a lost home, a rucksack, ration/cash
                   Museums dedicated to migrations are very much up and   which they are mixed: a refugee agency kitchen
                   coming in these years. Before 2015 the projects were main-  cards, images of refugee camps… pointing to the
                   ly local and the exhibitions temporary. Afterwards, some
                   bigger institutions like the  Deutsches Auswandererhaus   universal aspects of this experience.
                   dedicated new exhibitions to the subject. Projects like the   The museumisation of loss raised complex
                   DOMID in Cologne, and the Exile Museum in Berlin ap-  questions, starting with the fact that it may seem
                   peared, and numerous exhibitions dedicated to “flight and
                   expulsion” or the German expellees were prolonged to en-  paradoxical and challenging to make the loss
                   compass the theme of migrations (Fuchs and Kolb 2017,   present by means of material artefacts. As men-
               36   Interviews conducted by the author  with two of the main   tioned above, on the first floor, loss is initially
                   curators in December 2021 and September 2022.   staged as one of the fundamental experiences of
               37   And more so the fact that on the website the overall title of   refugees. Here, the universal dimension is first
                   the exhibition is “the century of flight”, flight being some-  brought to the fore through the filmed testimo-
                   thing different than expulsion (Dokumentationszentrum
                   Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung n.d.b)!    ny of nine people. Three of them are portrayed
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