Page 257 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XIV (2018), številka 28, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 257
religious institutions); the principle of religious pluralism and tolerance. It is not possi-
ble to take up the position: from you we demand (religious) freedom for ourselves in the
name of your principles (while we are weak), but we will deny you (religious) freedom
in the name of our (religious) principles (when we will be sufficiently strong). Dialogue
between religious communities about their attitude towards the above-mentioned prin-
ciples of secularized society is essential. The author is convinced that all the major reli-
gious communities, including Muslim ones, can shape a positive attitude towards these
principles. Notwithstanding all the real difficulties in the meeting and confronting (of
people) of different religions, traditionally intertwined with the cultures of the time and
space of their origin and existence until now, secular Europe can become a normal liv-
ing space for Islam and Muslims as well without giving up its historically hard-won and
established principles and values.
Keywords: Islam, secular Europe, religious pluralism, individual rights, Christianity
Prevod povzetkov v angleščino: Margaret Davis
Bibliografska obdelava: Helena Lemut
religious institutions); the principle of religious pluralism and tolerance. It is not possi-
ble to take up the position: from you we demand (religious) freedom for ourselves in the
name of your principles (while we are weak), but we will deny you (religious) freedom
in the name of our (religious) principles (when we will be sufficiently strong). Dialogue
between religious communities about their attitude towards the above-mentioned prin-
ciples of secularized society is essential. The author is convinced that all the major reli-
gious communities, including Muslim ones, can shape a positive attitude towards these
principles. Notwithstanding all the real difficulties in the meeting and confronting (of
people) of different religions, traditionally intertwined with the cultures of the time and
space of their origin and existence until now, secular Europe can become a normal liv-
ing space for Islam and Muslims as well without giving up its historically hard-won and
established principles and values.
Keywords: Islam, secular Europe, religious pluralism, individual rights, Christianity
Prevod povzetkov v angleščino: Margaret Davis
Bibliografska obdelava: Helena Lemut