Page 100 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 100
Author Purpose of research Methodology Results

Ayanlade To identify the ICT tools Questionnaire, observation, ICT reduce health care per-
et al., 2019 used for diabetes manage- and structured interviews. sonnel’s workload and enable
ment and assesses the level of faster and easier completion
adoption of the tools. of their daily tasks. Patients
acknowledge the usefulness
Gardsten To identify patients’ wish- Participatory design: Future of ICT because it helps with
et al., 2017 es and needs for an ICT workshop method. their disease management
self-management service. plans.
ICT self-management service
zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 98 Georgss- To understand patients‘ per- Descriptive study us- needs to offer different com-
son and ceptions of using ICT for dia- ing a questionnaire and munication channels, pos-
Staggers, betes self-management. semi-structured interview. sibilities for exchanging ex-
2017 periences and written and
visualized individualized in-
Lehocki et To evaluate impact of ICT Prospective, non-interven- formation.
al., 2015 on clinical outcomes (glycat- tional, observational, multi- Patients had positive percep-
ed haemoglobin (HbA1c) and centre study. tions toward ICT tool. After 6
metabolic parameters). months of using the ICT tool
they saw clear benefits in us-
Petersen et To identify the Qualitative study with semi ing the technology and had
al., 2018 challenges and barriers for structured interviews. favourable behavioural dis-
the adoption of ICT tools for ease outcomes.
diabetes self-management. Clinical evaluation after
3 months of intervention
To examine the prevalence showed statistically signifi-
and patient characteristics as- cant change of HbA1c in both
Shibuta et sociated with willingness to A cross-sectional interview patient groups. Results also
al., 2017 use ICT in self-management survey. showed statistically signifi-
cant tendency to decrease in
of diabetes. weight and BMI.
Barriers to ICT adoption for
diabetes self-management
are: expensive ICTs, lack of
technological literacy, partic-
ipants’ perceptions that mo-
bile technologies are useless,
the mistrust of technology
and the preference for face-
to-face interaction with med-
ical staff.
Only 16 % patients with dia-
betes currently use ICT and
a total of 50 % expressed the
willingness to use ICT in fu-
ture. Factors associated with
the willingness are not having
nephropathy, outpatient visits
once a month or more, cur-
rent use of personal comput-
ers and/or smartphones and
having greater diabetes relat-
ed emotional distress.

Prevalence of patients using ICT-based self-management tools is low (16 %)
(Shibuta et al., 2016). The most common tools they used were applications,
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