Page 159 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 159
Statistical methods
General descriptive statistical analysis using the statistical program SPSS ver-
sion 26 was used to evaluate the data. Paired samples t-tests were performed to
examine differences between current and general stress with two-tailed tests of
significance and confidence intervals being based on the level of p < .05.

In the present study, participants reported very similar scores for current stress
(M = 3.10, SD = 0.60) and for general stress (M = 3.11, SD = 0.50; t[91] = -0.86,
p = .39).

Table 1: Teachers’ experience of psychological distress symptoms
during the period of distance teaching.

Frequency (%) distance teaching: perceived stress, psychological health and work satisfaction among classroom teachers 157

Psychological distress symptoms 1 - Never 2 -Occasion- 3 - Often 4 - Very of- M SD
ally ten / all-
Restlessness 14 19
Mouth dryness 41 49 9 ways
Absence of positive feelings 48 44 12
Breathing issues 66 34 8 17 2.4 0.93
Lack of proactivity 54 23 10
Overacting 22 35 17 6 1.8 0.85
Shaking 76 48 8
Nervousness 28 14 19 5 1.7 0.87
Concern 51 38 8
Nothing to be happy about 59 35 8 4 1.5 0.82
Irritation 20 27 22
Tension, hard to relax 18 41 23 1 1.6 0.71
Sadness 31 47 15
Impatience 28 43 24 13 2.2 0.93
Anxiety 53 38 14
Lack of enthusiasm 58 28 9 2 1.4 0.72
Feelings of worthlessness 56 28 9
Oversensitiveness 19 29 30 15 2.2 1.02
Increased heart rate 48 40 17
Fear 44 31 14 6 1.7 0.87
Feelings of meaningless 78 38 5
13 6 1.6 0.89

17 2.4 1.00

12 2.3 0.90

11 2.1 0.95

11 2.2 0.96

5 1.7 0.90

5 1.6 0.86

6 1.7 0.89

11 2.3 0.91

3 1.8 0.86

4 1.8 0.85

3 1.3 0.73

Legend: M, mean; SD, Standard deviation

Table 1 presents different symptoms which usually appear with experi-
encing a psychological distress and the extent to which participants rated their
observation of the occurrence of these symptoms among themselves during
the period of distance teaching. On a scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 4 (very
much), the arithmetic means of the symptoms ranged from the minimum of
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164