Page 160 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 160
1.3 to the maximum of 2.4. The symptoms with the highest mean are indicat-
ed in the table.

Participants’ level of satisfaction with different aspects of their work and
private life during the period of distance teaching is presented in Table 2. On
a scale ranging from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied), the arithmetic
means of the dimensions ranged from the minimum of 2.6 to the maximum
of 4.2. The participants indicated the highest level of satisfaction with quality
of learning materials they provided for their students during the period of dis-
tance teaching, the availability of the working materials they needed for their
work at home, and their communication with the students and their parents.
They were least satisfied with the amount of time they dedicated for their work
as well as for their private life.

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 158 Table 2: Teachers’ level of satisfaction with work and life during the period
of distance teaching.

Dimension Level of satisfaction (frequency %) M SD

Quality of work 12345 3.5 0.95
Teaching approach 2 14 25 47 11 3.4 0.98
Availability of working materials 4.1 0.64
Quality of learning materials 3 15 30 42 10 4.2 0.56
Private life 3.2 1.15
Time dedicated for work 0 2 8 65 25 2.6 1.16
Time dedicated for private life 2.6 1.21
Personal relationships 0 0 7 64 30 3.4 1.27
Partner and family support 3.9 1.00
Communication with co-workers 7 23 27 29 14 3.9 0.80
Communication with students
and parents 20 34 21 21 4 4 0.78

19 34 18 23 7

9 19 20 30 23

3 7 13 46 31

0 5 19 53 23

0 3 20 49 27

Legend: M, Mean; SD, Standard deviation
Level of satisfaction … 1 – very dissatisfied, 2 – dissatisfied, 3 – not satisfied, not dissatisfied,
4 – satisfied, 5 – very satisfied

The purpose of the present study was to investigate primary school teachers’
perceived level of stress, wellbeing and satisfaction with their work and life
during the period of distance teaching due to epidemic of COVID-19. The re-
sults revealed a similar level of perceived stress between general teaching set-
ting and distance learning conditions. This is somewhat different from the
study findings of the Slovene National Education Institute about distance ed-
ucation during epidemic of COVID-19 (2020), in which teachers reported per-
ceiving distance teaching as stressful and demanding.

The majority of teachers in our study reported never or only occasional-
ly experiencing different symptoms of psychological distress during the peri-
od of distance teaching. This is in line with some foreign studies (See, Wardle
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