Page 45 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 45
Method health problems experienced by parents of children in long-term hospital stay 43
The search was performed in March 2020, with the aim to identify health prob-
lems experienced by parents of children in long-term hospitalisations.

The review is a result of six phases: 1) guiding question definition; 2) liter-
ature search; 3) studies’ categorization; 4) included studies’ appraisal; 5) results
interpretation and 6) synthesis. Research was carried out using the EBSCO-
host search engine, selecting CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MEDLINE with
Full Text as databases, with a timeline defined between 2015 and 2020, with the
purpose of obtaining the most recent scientific evidence. The search was made
in Portuguese and English and included the keywords “hospitalized children”;
“parents”; “health problems” and the different synonymous of each keyword.
Additionally, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. Thereby, only stud-
ies including parents of children of paediatric age (as per the study definition
of paediatric age) in long-term hospitalisations were accepted for the review.
Studies including parents who suffered from mental illness were excluded.

The search resulted in an initial sample of 149 scientific studies. Of these,
44 were excluded due to repetition, 87 based on title and abstract, resulting in
a final sample of 18 articles. After full-text reading of the 18 studies, 13 were ex-
cluded for not meeting the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The final sample result-
ed on five studies that answered the investigation research question and met
the inclusion criteria. (table 1)

In order to establish the internal validity and mitigate the risk of bias
during the selection process, the methodological quality of the studies was as-
sessed using the Joanna Bridge Institute tools (JBI Reviewer’s Manual, 2020).

Table 1: Identification of the included studies

Author Title Country/Year

Risk factors for the development of
post-traumatic stress disorder and cop-
A1 Aftyka A., Rybojad B., Rosa W., Wróbel ing strategies in mothers and fathers Poland, 2017
A., Karakula-Juchnowicz H. following infant hospitalization in the

neonatal intensive care unit.

A2 Hye-Yul H., Shin-Jeong K., Wayne E. Factors influencing the caregiving per- South Korea,
K., Kyung-Ah K. formance of mothers of hospitalized 2018
toddlers with acute respiratory diseases
(ARD): a path analysis.

A3 Lakkis A., Khoury M., Mahmassani M., Psychological distress (PD) and coping Lebanon, 2016
Ramia S., Hamadeh N. strategies in parents of children with
cancer in Lebanon.

A4 Nassery W., Landgren K. Parents’ experience of their sleep and Sweden, 2018
rest when admitted to hospital with
their ill child: a qualitative study.

A5 Woolf C., Muscara F., Anderson V. A., Early traumatic stress responses in par-
McCarthy M. C. ents following a serious illness in their Australia, 2015
child: a systematic review.
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50