Page 134 - Vinkler, Jonatan. 2020. Izpod krivoverskega peresa: slovenska književnost 16. stoletja in njen evropski kontekst. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 134
izpod krivoverskega peresa

perspective of theological practice in Trubar’s time. He explained his trans-
lation approaches in the prefaces to respective editions, the most outstand-
ing example being the translation of Confessio augustana and other textual
sources, which form the basis for the Slovenian book Articuli (1562). In this
book, specifically in the chapter originally titled De votis monachorum (in
English: Of Monastic Vows), one can find an extensive intraand inter-lin-
guistic translation / transformation: the textual structure developed into a
stylized story of St. Anton the Hermit and the shoemaker. This narrative has
the following characteristics: 1) concise narration, 2) a scant scene without
scenic or iconic descriptions (the reader is provided with no information
about the location of St. Anton the Hermit’s residence or Alexandria, nor of
the shoemaker’s home where their dialogue is taking place), 3) the happen-
ing is reduced to a single narrative scene, 4) there are only two characters, 5)
a structure in which an intense initial narrative theme is gradually followed
by the exposition, the first gradation, the climax, the anti-climax and reso-
lution, 6) the dialogue between the two characters. It could very possibly be
said that the described narrative structure overlaps in an almost ‘catalogue’
way with the basic narratological dimensions of the Renaissance novella.
That having been said, Trubar uses the verified rhetorical means of logos,
bound by inductive reasoning a literally fabulated case, narratively devel-
oped to the degree of a (stylized) novella. According to the current full ac-
cessibility of all Slovene texts by Primož Trubar, it can be claimed that the
above mentioned passage of Articuli is the first literary record of this kind
in Slovene literature, the first Slovene novella, which, however, did not have
a primary aesthetic, but rather a rhetorically argumentative, i.e. informa-
tive function.

The First Major Narrative Text in Slovenian Literature
and Its Contexts: The House Postil of Primož Trubar (1595)

The final work by Primož Trubar (1508-1586), his translation of Martin
Luther’s House Postil, was published posthumously (1595). Along with
Dalmatin’s Bible (1584), this publication was the most extensive and richly
illustrated book in 16th century Slovenian Protestant literature, and until the
sermon handbook Sacrum promptuarium (1691-1707) of Janez Svetokriški it
constituted for almost an entire century the largest collection of prose texts
in the Slovenian language – the first extensive Slovenian prose corpus.

Yet prior to this, the works En regišter, ena kratka postila (Primož
Trubar, 1558, 8°, 256 pp.), Postilla slovenska (Sebastijan Krelj, 1567, 12°, 352

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