Page 133 - Vinkler, Jonatan. 2020. Izpod krivoverskega peresa: slovenska književnost 16. stoletja in njen evropski kontekst. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 133

ter sphere: e.g. the history of everyday life, economic history and the his-
tory of reception, of key significance is the Weimarer Ausgabe of Luther’s
writings (1883–2009), which consists of 127 books with about 80,000 pag-
es comprising a scientific-critical edition of Luther’s writings. These pub-
lished primary sources along with ever-increasing digitalization and web
accessibility of other 16th-century sources (the German DFG project for the
digitalization of manuscripts and old printed material in German librar-
ies) show Luther as a very multi-faceted personality between the autumn of
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, they reveal his opus as “work in pro-
gress”, and in particular make it impossible to still write about him from
the standpoint of historiography in one-dimensional way. Consequently
the present-day knowledge of this material calls for an integral historio-
graphical approach in the treatment of Slovenian Protestantism as well and
thus also for a new biography of Trubar and – above all – a systematic his-
toriography of Protestantism on Slovenian territory from the 16th century
to the present day.

Between Translation and Writing:
Trubar’s Bible in Cultural-historical Context

The main textual process that brought about the origins of Primož Trubar’s
work, and thus of Slovene literature, was translation. The treatise presents
the analysis of three translation paradigms that marked the European
learned culture prior to the beginning of the Reformation, as well as the
cultural-historical interpretation of the political, religious and cultural
concept of the translatio. Characteristically, Primož Trubar re-created the
German and / or Latin original in Slovene language in order to produce a
text that he considered to authentically represent the meaning of the orig-
inal, but for the sake of textual clarity / comprehensibility for the potential
reader, not used to German theological style, Trubar did so by means of dif-
ferent and more numerous expressions than he could find in the original.
In translation, he therefore used textual transformations of the original de-
scription, re-verbalization, paraphrasing and explanation by means of par-
able; and as far as lexis is concerned, he was accurately aware of Germanism
– Slovene doublets, but he deliberately refused to give up Germanisms be-
cause of their general use in Slovene language, the pragmatic function of
his translations and understanding which should be as good as possible.
Trubar used a combination of intra- and inter-linguistic translation, even
when translating the Bible and symbolic books, which is unusual from the

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