Page 135 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 135
6.4 Other Contemporary Memorial Practices and Dark Tourism

Figure 6.15
K.u.k Marinefriedhof
in Pula

were set up in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
and in the building of the Italian community (Grad Novigrad-Cittanova,
2014; Turistička zajednica Istre, n.d.). In addition, the Posljednji car u Istri
– L’ultimo imperatore in Istria (The Last Emperor in Istria) exhibition
was opened in Gračišće in April 2018 in memory of the visit of the last
Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl i (Istarsko povijesno društvo – Società
Storica Istriana, 2018a); a similar exhibition as well as academic event (5.
Motovunski kolokvij) took place in Motovun in November 2018 (Istarsko

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