Page 125 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 125
ical associations and their place in the musical life of br atislava in the 19th century
The present text is only a brief outline of the activities and perfor-
mances of musical associations, which undeniably had an important place
in the musical life of Bratislava in the 19th century. All the said associations
stayed active also at the beginning of the 20th century. The decisive moment
was after the dissolution of Austria-Hungary in 1918 when the First Czecho-
slovak Republic was established. Since most of the associations consisted of
German and Hungarian members, their activities were adjusted according
to new cultural needs. However, they continued continuously even in this
period with unchanged significance for the city’s musical life.
Ballová, Ľuba. “Spolok slobodných umelcov a profesorov rečí v Bratislave.” In
Hudobné tradície Bratislavy a ich tvorcovia I., edited by Zdenko Nováček,
72–87. Bratislava: Obzor, 1974.
Lengová, Jana. “Hans Richter v listoch Jánovi Batkovi.” Hudobný život 36, no.
1 (2004): 35–7.
Lengová, Jana. “Das deutsche Chorgesangwesen in Pressburg am Beispiel der
Pressburger Liedertafel – Nationale und regionale Identität.” In Chorg
esang als Medium von Interkulturalität: Formen, Kanale, Diskurse (Ber
ichte des interkulturellen Forschungsprojekts “Deutsche Musikkultur im
östlichen Europa“ 3), edited by Erik Fisher, 27–39. Stuttgart: Franz Stein-
er Verlag, 2007.
Lengová, Jana. “Nové poznatky k činnosti Bratislavského speváckeho spolku.”
In Hudobnohistorický výskum na Slovensku začiatkom 21. storočia II., ed-
ited by Marta Hulková, 371–82. Bratislava: Stimul, 2010.
Lengová, Jana and Eva Szórádová. “Kapelníci Josef Kumlik, Karl Mayrberg-
er, Josef Thiard-Laforest.” In Hudobné dejiny Bratislavy: od stredoveku po
rok 1918, edited by Jana Kalinayová-Bartová, 274–82. Bratislava: Ars Mu-
sica, 2020.
Lengová, Jana. “Cirkevný hudobný spolok.” In Hudobné dejiny Bratislavy: od
stredoveku po rok 1918, edited by Jana Kalinayová-Bartová, 262–74. Brati-
slava: Ars Musica, 2020.
Muntág, Emanuel. “Bratislavský robotnícky spevácky spolok Typografia.” In
Robotnícke spevokoly a robotnícka kultúra na Slovensku (Hudobné tradí
The present text is only a brief outline of the activities and perfor-
mances of musical associations, which undeniably had an important place
in the musical life of Bratislava in the 19th century. All the said associations
stayed active also at the beginning of the 20th century. The decisive moment
was after the dissolution of Austria-Hungary in 1918 when the First Czecho-
slovak Republic was established. Since most of the associations consisted of
German and Hungarian members, their activities were adjusted according
to new cultural needs. However, they continued continuously even in this
period with unchanged significance for the city’s musical life.
Ballová, Ľuba. “Spolok slobodných umelcov a profesorov rečí v Bratislave.” In
Hudobné tradície Bratislavy a ich tvorcovia I., edited by Zdenko Nováček,
72–87. Bratislava: Obzor, 1974.
Lengová, Jana. “Hans Richter v listoch Jánovi Batkovi.” Hudobný život 36, no.
1 (2004): 35–7.
Lengová, Jana. “Das deutsche Chorgesangwesen in Pressburg am Beispiel der
Pressburger Liedertafel – Nationale und regionale Identität.” In Chorg
esang als Medium von Interkulturalität: Formen, Kanale, Diskurse (Ber
ichte des interkulturellen Forschungsprojekts “Deutsche Musikkultur im
östlichen Europa“ 3), edited by Erik Fisher, 27–39. Stuttgart: Franz Stein-
er Verlag, 2007.
Lengová, Jana. “Nové poznatky k činnosti Bratislavského speváckeho spolku.”
In Hudobnohistorický výskum na Slovensku začiatkom 21. storočia II., ed-
ited by Marta Hulková, 371–82. Bratislava: Stimul, 2010.
Lengová, Jana and Eva Szórádová. “Kapelníci Josef Kumlik, Karl Mayrberg-
er, Josef Thiard-Laforest.” In Hudobné dejiny Bratislavy: od stredoveku po
rok 1918, edited by Jana Kalinayová-Bartová, 274–82. Bratislava: Ars Mu-
sica, 2020.
Lengová, Jana. “Cirkevný hudobný spolok.” In Hudobné dejiny Bratislavy: od
stredoveku po rok 1918, edited by Jana Kalinayová-Bartová, 262–74. Brati-
slava: Ars Musica, 2020.
Muntág, Emanuel. “Bratislavský robotnícky spevácky spolok Typografia.” In
Robotnícke spevokoly a robotnícka kultúra na Slovensku (Hudobné tradí