Page 129 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 129
ej hubad in the context of the musical life of slavic societies in vienna
Table 1: Slavic Singing Society’s nationality composition
Czechs October 1887 October 1888 October 1889
Slovenes 64 53 51
Croatians 26 20 21
Serbs 8 8 3
Poles 3 3 2
Ruthenians 2 2
The table is a response not only to the representation of Slovenes in
the management, but also to the frequent performance of works by Slove-
ne composers and the appointment of Slovenes as honorary members of the
society: the composer Benjamin Ipavec (1829–1909) was honoured as early
as 1887,10 and Pukl and Hubad one year later.
Hubad must have become a member of the Slavic Singing Society soon
after he came to Vienna. He was not only a member of the 1st bass group (al-
ready at the end of 188711), but he also performed as a soloist. He already per-
formed in the choir at the dance event held on 5 November 1887 in the Pfalz
Restaurant of the Horticultural Society (Gartenbaugesellschaft).12 From the
Slovene repertoire, Anton Hajdrih’s quartet piece V sladkih sanjah was per-
formed for the first time and Benjamin Ipavec’s mixed choir piece Pod lipo
was also performed for the first time.
I have not yet found the Slavic Singing Society’s 30th annual report (for
the year 1891), so it is not possible to say for certain that Hubad was a mem-
ber of the society for the whole time he was in Vienna. The end of his stay
stantin Alois Jahoda-Křtinský (1828–1895) at the wedding reception – Jahoda’s bio-
graphy and an overview of his works are presented in a separate chapter in the book
by the author of this study: Viktor Velek, Lumír 150. Sbormistři českoslovanského
zpěváckého spolku “Lumír” ve Vídni = Chorleiter des tschechoslawischen Gesangsver
eines “Lumír” in Wien (Třebíč: APIS press, 2016), 315–9.
10 According to the Slavic Singing Society’s 1887 annual report, Dr. Benjamin Ipavec
was appointed an honorary member on 21 October.
11 Dvacátá sedmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1888, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1887 do
30. 9. 1888 (Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1888), 20; Dvacátá
osmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1889, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1888 do 30. 9. 1889
(Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1889), 16; Dvacátá devátá výroč
ní zpráva za správní rok 1890, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1889 do 30. 9. 1890 (Vídeň: Ná-
kladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1890), 20.
12 “Concert programme,” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Comenius School
Society) in Vienna, Collection: Jan Stiebler (A 545-2-2) and Collection: Zpěvácký
spolek slovanský (A543-2).
Table 1: Slavic Singing Society’s nationality composition
Czechs October 1887 October 1888 October 1889
Slovenes 64 53 51
Croatians 26 20 21
Serbs 8 8 3
Poles 3 3 2
Ruthenians 2 2
The table is a response not only to the representation of Slovenes in
the management, but also to the frequent performance of works by Slove-
ne composers and the appointment of Slovenes as honorary members of the
society: the composer Benjamin Ipavec (1829–1909) was honoured as early
as 1887,10 and Pukl and Hubad one year later.
Hubad must have become a member of the Slavic Singing Society soon
after he came to Vienna. He was not only a member of the 1st bass group (al-
ready at the end of 188711), but he also performed as a soloist. He already per-
formed in the choir at the dance event held on 5 November 1887 in the Pfalz
Restaurant of the Horticultural Society (Gartenbaugesellschaft).12 From the
Slovene repertoire, Anton Hajdrih’s quartet piece V sladkih sanjah was per-
formed for the first time and Benjamin Ipavec’s mixed choir piece Pod lipo
was also performed for the first time.
I have not yet found the Slavic Singing Society’s 30th annual report (for
the year 1891), so it is not possible to say for certain that Hubad was a mem-
ber of the society for the whole time he was in Vienna. The end of his stay
stantin Alois Jahoda-Křtinský (1828–1895) at the wedding reception – Jahoda’s bio-
graphy and an overview of his works are presented in a separate chapter in the book
by the author of this study: Viktor Velek, Lumír 150. Sbormistři českoslovanského
zpěváckého spolku “Lumír” ve Vídni = Chorleiter des tschechoslawischen Gesangsver
eines “Lumír” in Wien (Třebíč: APIS press, 2016), 315–9.
10 According to the Slavic Singing Society’s 1887 annual report, Dr. Benjamin Ipavec
was appointed an honorary member on 21 October.
11 Dvacátá sedmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1888, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1887 do
30. 9. 1888 (Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1888), 20; Dvacátá
osmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1889, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1888 do 30. 9. 1889
(Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1889), 16; Dvacátá devátá výroč
ní zpráva za správní rok 1890, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1889 do 30. 9. 1890 (Vídeň: Ná-
kladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1890), 20.
12 “Concert programme,” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Comenius School
Society) in Vienna, Collection: Jan Stiebler (A 545-2-2) and Collection: Zpěvácký
spolek slovanský (A543-2).