Page 130 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 130
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
falls at the end of 1891. Among other things, we know from the press why
he was not hired as a music teacher at the Ljubljana Educational Institute
(Lehrerbildungsanstalt). He returned to Ljubljana on 29 November and al-
ready on 1 December 1891 took up the post of choirmaster of the newly
founded choir Glasbena Matica.13 He had worked with the society during
his studies in Vienna.14 There was also contact between Glasbena Matica
and the Slavic Singing Society – exchange of sheet music is mentioned in
the minutes of its committee meetings.15
The surname Hubad with the first name Matthäus or Matthias can be
found in the Austrian press, but the identification with our M. Hubad is
very probable, not certain:16
1) At the end of December 1887, the press brought the names of those
who had been assigned to the “Reserve-Cadet-Officiers-Stellver-
tretern” (IR 17) in the infantry.17
2) The name also appears in the list of performers at the St. Au-
gustine’s Court Parish Church. Specifically, it is the period from
March to August 1891.18
Ljubljana and the success of Glasbena Matica in Vienna
(autumn 1891–1896)
In addition to conducting a choir, Hubad also taught piano, singing and
music theory in Ljubljana. However, he did not disappear from Slavic Vi-
enna’s music scene: his compositions were performed by the Slavic Singing
Society at that time. Two examples: Slovene National Songs were performed
by a 100-member mixed choir in concerts on 13 March 1895 and 5 December
13 Anon., “Laibach. 17. December,” Südsteirische Post, December 19, 1891, 4.
14 Anon., “Laibach,” Südsteirische Post, August 8, 1890, 4.
15 “Minutes of the committee meeting of 7 November 1890,” Archive of the Comenius
School Society in Vienna, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský (A578-2-2), File:
Meetings 10/1886–09/1892.
16 Other variants of the first name used in the Czech, German and Slovene press: Mati-
ja, Matej, M., Mat. and Matouš.
17 Anon., “Aus dem Heeres-Verordnungsblatte,” Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung, Decem-
ber 12, 1887, 4 (Mittagblatt); Anon., “Local- und Provinzial-Nachrichten. (Militäri-
sches),” Klagenfurter Zeitung, January 1, 1888, 29.
18 Anon., “Kirchenmusik am Ostersonntag,” Die Presse, March 28, 1891, 4 (Abend-
falls at the end of 1891. Among other things, we know from the press why
he was not hired as a music teacher at the Ljubljana Educational Institute
(Lehrerbildungsanstalt). He returned to Ljubljana on 29 November and al-
ready on 1 December 1891 took up the post of choirmaster of the newly
founded choir Glasbena Matica.13 He had worked with the society during
his studies in Vienna.14 There was also contact between Glasbena Matica
and the Slavic Singing Society – exchange of sheet music is mentioned in
the minutes of its committee meetings.15
The surname Hubad with the first name Matthäus or Matthias can be
found in the Austrian press, but the identification with our M. Hubad is
very probable, not certain:16
1) At the end of December 1887, the press brought the names of those
who had been assigned to the “Reserve-Cadet-Officiers-Stellver-
tretern” (IR 17) in the infantry.17
2) The name also appears in the list of performers at the St. Au-
gustine’s Court Parish Church. Specifically, it is the period from
March to August 1891.18
Ljubljana and the success of Glasbena Matica in Vienna
(autumn 1891–1896)
In addition to conducting a choir, Hubad also taught piano, singing and
music theory in Ljubljana. However, he did not disappear from Slavic Vi-
enna’s music scene: his compositions were performed by the Slavic Singing
Society at that time. Two examples: Slovene National Songs were performed
by a 100-member mixed choir in concerts on 13 March 1895 and 5 December
13 Anon., “Laibach. 17. December,” Südsteirische Post, December 19, 1891, 4.
14 Anon., “Laibach,” Südsteirische Post, August 8, 1890, 4.
15 “Minutes of the committee meeting of 7 November 1890,” Archive of the Comenius
School Society in Vienna, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský (A578-2-2), File:
Meetings 10/1886–09/1892.
16 Other variants of the first name used in the Czech, German and Slovene press: Mati-
ja, Matej, M., Mat. and Matouš.
17 Anon., “Aus dem Heeres-Verordnungsblatte,” Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung, Decem-
ber 12, 1887, 4 (Mittagblatt); Anon., “Local- und Provinzial-Nachrichten. (Militäri-
sches),” Klagenfurter Zeitung, January 1, 1888, 29.
18 Anon., “Kirchenmusik am Ostersonntag,” Die Presse, March 28, 1891, 4 (Abend-