Page 140 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 140
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
1908: at that time Glasbena Matica founded its own philharmonic orchestra
(Ljubljana Concert Orchestra, Ljubljana Philharmonic, Slovene Philhar-
monic), and Hubad sought good and experienced musicians in Prague and
Vienna. The first conductor was Václav Talich (1908–1910). It would also be
interesting to trace the fates of other Slovenes in the Slavic Singing Society
who started out as regular singers but eventually rose to become, for exam-
ple, deputy choirmasters.55
Archival Sources
“Concert programme.” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Come-
nius School Society) in Vienna, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský
“Concert programme.” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Come-
nius School Society) in Vienna, Collection: Jan Stiebler (A 545-2-2).
“Minutes of the committee meeting of 7 November 1890.” Archive of
the Školský spolek Komenský (Comenius School Society) in Vien-
na, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský (A578-2-2), File: Meetings
Bagarič, Alenka. “Hubad, Matej.” In Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon. Band 2,
von Gaal bis Kluger, edited by Rudolf Flotzinger. Wien: Verlag der Öster-
reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2003. https://www.musikle-
Cigoj Krstulović, Nataša. Zgodovina, spomin, dediščina: Ljubljanska Glasbe
na matica do konca druge svetovne vojne. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2015.
Dvacátá sedmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1888, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1887 do
30. 9. 1888. Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1888.
55 Hubad’s student Beno/Benno Serajnik successively served as vice-president and
choirmaster (1907, 1908). Apart from singing, he also performed as a violinist and
was active in the Slovanská beseda society. Baritone Ivan Žirovnik was repeatedly
elected to the society’s committee around 1900, was a member of the society’s vocal
quartet, and in 1904 received the JUDr. degree. In 1907 he briefly served as assistant
1908: at that time Glasbena Matica founded its own philharmonic orchestra
(Ljubljana Concert Orchestra, Ljubljana Philharmonic, Slovene Philhar-
monic), and Hubad sought good and experienced musicians in Prague and
Vienna. The first conductor was Václav Talich (1908–1910). It would also be
interesting to trace the fates of other Slovenes in the Slavic Singing Society
who started out as regular singers but eventually rose to become, for exam-
ple, deputy choirmasters.55
Archival Sources
“Concert programme.” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Come-
nius School Society) in Vienna, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský
“Concert programme.” Archive of the Školský spolek Komenský (Come-
nius School Society) in Vienna, Collection: Jan Stiebler (A 545-2-2).
“Minutes of the committee meeting of 7 November 1890.” Archive of
the Školský spolek Komenský (Comenius School Society) in Vien-
na, Collection: Zpěvácký spolek slovanský (A578-2-2), File: Meetings
Bagarič, Alenka. “Hubad, Matej.” In Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon. Band 2,
von Gaal bis Kluger, edited by Rudolf Flotzinger. Wien: Verlag der Öster-
reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2003. https://www.musikle-
Cigoj Krstulović, Nataša. Zgodovina, spomin, dediščina: Ljubljanska Glasbe
na matica do konca druge svetovne vojne. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2015.
Dvacátá sedmá výroční zpráva za správní rok 1888, tj. za dobu od 1. října 1887 do
30. 9. 1888. Vídeň: Nákladem zpěváckého spolku slovanského, 1888.
55 Hubad’s student Beno/Benno Serajnik successively served as vice-president and
choirmaster (1907, 1908). Apart from singing, he also performed as a violinist and
was active in the Slovanská beseda society. Baritone Ivan Žirovnik was repeatedly
elected to the society’s committee around 1900, was a member of the society’s vocal
quartet, and in 1904 received the JUDr. degree. In 1907 he briefly served as assistant