Page 135 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 135
matej hubad in the context of the musical life of slavic societies in vienna

idency and was immediately elected honorary chairman. After Bouchal,
who put the society in debt, the Slovene Slavist Matija Murko (1861–1952)
was elected president. As the management of the Slavic singing society was
in Slovene hands, Hubad began to implement his reform.

7 December 1896, Ronacher39
For his premiere, Hubad prepared a programme of mainly compositions by
Slavic authors accompanied by an orchestra (the band of the 4th Bosnian-Her-
zegovinian Infantry Regiment led by Jan Pavlis). Many prominent person-
alities were present, and Anton Nedved’s Popotnikova pesem/Der Wanderer
was performed from the Slovene repertoire. At the friendly evening held af-
ter the concert, Hubad received a laurel wreath from the society.

14 January (? 26 January) 1897, Ronacher
The Viennese-Serbian society Zora organised an event (St. Sava-Konzert)
to commemorate the Sarajevo Metropolitan Djordje/Georgije Nikolajević
(1807–1896), who had died in February of the previous year. The Slavic Sing-
ing Society, conducted by Hubad, appeared as a guest ensemble.

7 May 1897, Musikverein40
Less than half a year later, Hubad again prepared a concert with an or-
chestra (the band led by Eduard Strauss, Imperial and Royal Director of
Court Ball Music). From the rich programme (dominated by Dvořák’s can-
tata Stabat mater) with excellent performers, I have only selected Hubad’s
harmonisations: he arranged Moniuszko’s Słoneczko for a cappella choir,
the Illyrian National Song (with the incipit Sem slovenska deklica) and the
Slovene national song Rožmarin. It was also reported on by the German-
Viennese press.41

39 Anon., “Zpěvácký spolek slovanský,” Věstník. Časopis spolků česko-slovanských ve
Vídni 14, December 12, 1896, 3; Anon., “Zpěvácký spolek slovanský,” Věstník. Ča­
sopis spolků česko-slovanských ve Vídni 14, December 5, 1896, 2; Břetislav Lvovský,
“Slavische Concerte in Wien,” Österreichische Musik– und Theaterzeitung 9, no. 8 (15
December 1896 – Beilage): 17.

40 “Concert programme,” Zpěvácký spolek slovanský (A543-2); Anon., “Vídeň,” Da­
libor 19, no. 21–22 (3 April 1897): 162; Anon., “Vídeň,” Dalibor 19, no. 26 (8 May
1897): 200; Anon., “Vídeň,” Věstník Jednoty zpěváckých spolků českoslovanských,
no. 3, 1897, 42–3.

41 Anon., “Velký koncert zpěváckého spolku slovanského ve Vídni,” Věstník. Časopis
spolků česko-slovanských ve Vídni 15, May 15, 1897, 1 (including a list of names of fa-

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