Page 229 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 229
the foundation of a free state is a free (music) association? continuity and change ...
is to be believed, neither the Statutes from 1796 nor those from 179436 re-
ferred explicitly to 1702, however, as to him, the accompanying documents,
lost to us, were in 1794 referring to the Society’s new official inception as to
the Society’s “second founding”.37
In the scientific literature of the past decades, the hypothesis on the
Society’s factual predecessors – or forms of continuity – from the early 18th
century, especially regarding the Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensi
um, if not from even before,38 has been meticulously dealt with. Metoda
Kokole closes her excellent piece on the topic39 with an explanation that the
Philharmonic Society at its de iure inception in 1794 took its emblem and its
motto from the Academia Philharmonicorum’s seal. The seal stems from a
receipt for a membership’s payment from 1705 but with a year 1701 and the
motto Recreat, mentique perenia monstrat within the seal.40 Kokole con-
cludes, that the Philharmonic Society “counted the year 1702 as its ‘real be
ginning’, which according to the knowledge of the time41 had been the found
ing year of the Academia Philharmonicorum.”42
A more definite answer to the questions where or who by was the ‘in-
terpolation’ on the year 1702 first in the Society’s Statutes from 1849 and
how solid were the sources upon which the claim about the year 1702 in
1849 was made, will have to remain for the future research. However, a find
36 Keesbacher, Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, 15. Actually, the version
from 1794 is to my knowledge only mentioned in Keesbacher’s description of the ti-
tle page of the Statutes from 1796, which in his time (i. e. in 1862) must still have been
preserved: “Statuten, welche die musikalische Gesellschaft zu Laibach bei ihrer Ent
stehung, den 1. November 1794, festgesetzt hat.”
37 Keesbacher, Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, 12.
38 “Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, welche diesen Namen seit ihrer Entste
hung im Jahre 1702 führt, …” in the versions 1849, 1854 and 1874 and “Die im Jahre
1702 gegründete ‘Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach’…” in the version from
39 Metoda Kokole, “Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensis v evropskem okviru,” in
300 let/years Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensis 1701–2001 (Zbornik referatov
z mednarodnega simpozija 25. in 26. oktobra 2001 v Ljubljani/Proceedings of the in-
ternational symposium held in Ljubljana on October 25th and 26th, 2001), ed. Ivan
Klemenčič (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC/Research Centre of SASA, ZRC
Publishing, 2004), 53.
40 Ibid. 41.
41 The large part of Metoda Kokole’s contribution is dedicated to the persuasive argu-
mentation of the year 1701 being the actual founding year of the Academia Philhar
monicorum Labacensis. Ibid.
42 “… ter kot svoj ‘pravi začetek’ štela leto 1702, po takratni vednosti leto ustanovitve
Academie Philharmonicorum”. Ibid., 53.
is to be believed, neither the Statutes from 1796 nor those from 179436 re-
ferred explicitly to 1702, however, as to him, the accompanying documents,
lost to us, were in 1794 referring to the Society’s new official inception as to
the Society’s “second founding”.37
In the scientific literature of the past decades, the hypothesis on the
Society’s factual predecessors – or forms of continuity – from the early 18th
century, especially regarding the Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensi
um, if not from even before,38 has been meticulously dealt with. Metoda
Kokole closes her excellent piece on the topic39 with an explanation that the
Philharmonic Society at its de iure inception in 1794 took its emblem and its
motto from the Academia Philharmonicorum’s seal. The seal stems from a
receipt for a membership’s payment from 1705 but with a year 1701 and the
motto Recreat, mentique perenia monstrat within the seal.40 Kokole con-
cludes, that the Philharmonic Society “counted the year 1702 as its ‘real be
ginning’, which according to the knowledge of the time41 had been the found
ing year of the Academia Philharmonicorum.”42
A more definite answer to the questions where or who by was the ‘in-
terpolation’ on the year 1702 first in the Society’s Statutes from 1849 and
how solid were the sources upon which the claim about the year 1702 in
1849 was made, will have to remain for the future research. However, a find
36 Keesbacher, Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, 15. Actually, the version
from 1794 is to my knowledge only mentioned in Keesbacher’s description of the ti-
tle page of the Statutes from 1796, which in his time (i. e. in 1862) must still have been
preserved: “Statuten, welche die musikalische Gesellschaft zu Laibach bei ihrer Ent
stehung, den 1. November 1794, festgesetzt hat.”
37 Keesbacher, Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, 12.
38 “Die Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach, welche diesen Namen seit ihrer Entste
hung im Jahre 1702 führt, …” in the versions 1849, 1854 and 1874 and “Die im Jahre
1702 gegründete ‘Philharmonische Gesellschaft in Laibach’…” in the version from
39 Metoda Kokole, “Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensis v evropskem okviru,” in
300 let/years Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensis 1701–2001 (Zbornik referatov
z mednarodnega simpozija 25. in 26. oktobra 2001 v Ljubljani/Proceedings of the in-
ternational symposium held in Ljubljana on October 25th and 26th, 2001), ed. Ivan
Klemenčič (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC/Research Centre of SASA, ZRC
Publishing, 2004), 53.
40 Ibid. 41.
41 The large part of Metoda Kokole’s contribution is dedicated to the persuasive argu-
mentation of the year 1701 being the actual founding year of the Academia Philhar
monicorum Labacensis. Ibid.
42 “… ter kot svoj ‘pravi začetek’ štela leto 1702, po takratni vednosti leto ustanovitve
Academie Philharmonicorum”. Ibid., 53.