Page 417 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 417
alfred khom, a diligent choirmaster, skilful composer and experienced musician ...
In addition to public concerts, the choir regularly organized various excur-
sions and trips with singing.31
Then, in the 1850s, various reports appeared in the newspapers about
concerts in which Khom participated either as a performer or as a com-
poser, indicating his considerable activity. His symphonic works32 and his
chamber music works, especially piano compositions,33 were performed in
the concerts. Often his works were performed by the students of the mu-
sic school,34 who particularly appreciated Khom’s creative and pedagogical
Among other things,36 he also performed as a fisharmonica player. A
fisharmonica, an earlier version of a harmonium, he admired much and
also taught.37 For one of the concerts he prepared an arrangement of Bee-
thoven’s Septet for piano, fisharmonica and violin.38
er, Posinger, who performed twice a week (Sundays and Thursdays) for two hours in
the hall of the society and offered declamation exercises, which attracted many Lai-
bachers. Keesbacher, Die philharmonische Gesellschaft, 93.
31 A little over a month after the Khom’s arrival, on May 14, 1849, the choir went to
Rožnik and presented itself as a good performing body. Keesbacher notes that the
musical program of the excursion proved that the choir had to be very skillful in
the sense of the chosen program: “Das Musik-Programm jener Fahrt zeigt, daß der
Chor schon recht tüchtig geschult sein mußte; auch macht die Wahl der Stücke ihm alle
Ehre.” Ibid.
32 Ibid., 246.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid., 247.
35 In his assessment of the student concert on July 22, 1854, the former director of the
Philharmonic Society, Henrik Costa (Dr. H. C.), praised Khom, emphasizing that
he “devotes himself entirely to his profession with love, effort and diligence. [...] Ue
berhaupt muß man sowohl den Herrn Instituts-Inhaber als die Zöglinge loben, daß
die Stunden der Erholung auf so edle Weise ausgefüllt und der, Herz und Gemüth bil
denden Tonkunst gewidmet werden; nicht minder aber verdient auch der Musiklehr
er des Institutes, Hr. A. Khom, volle Anerkennung, da er mit Liebe, Mühe und Fleiß
seinem Berufe sich hingibt, und diesen, wie sich zeigt, vollkommen erfüllt.” Dr. H. C.
[Henrik Costa], “Prüfungs – Konzert der Zöglinge der kaufmännischen Lehr- uns
Erziehungsanstalt in Laibach,” Laibacher Zeitung, no. 169 (26 July 1854): 741, http://
36 Among the highlights of the program is Khom’s interesting declamation with piano
accompaniment entitled Der arme Thoms, February 11, 1853. Here Khom drew on
the expressive tragic poetry of the Austrian poet, writer, and diplomat August Er-
nst von Steigentesch (1744–1826). Sara Železnik, Koncertni sporedi Filharmonične
družbe 1816–1872 (Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF, 2013), 268.
37 Ibid., 251.
38 Khom was joined by the well-known violinist Heinrich Fiby and the pianist Anton
Door. The latter was the expected central figure of the evening. He was a popular pi-
In addition to public concerts, the choir regularly organized various excur-
sions and trips with singing.31
Then, in the 1850s, various reports appeared in the newspapers about
concerts in which Khom participated either as a performer or as a com-
poser, indicating his considerable activity. His symphonic works32 and his
chamber music works, especially piano compositions,33 were performed in
the concerts. Often his works were performed by the students of the mu-
sic school,34 who particularly appreciated Khom’s creative and pedagogical
Among other things,36 he also performed as a fisharmonica player. A
fisharmonica, an earlier version of a harmonium, he admired much and
also taught.37 For one of the concerts he prepared an arrangement of Bee-
thoven’s Septet for piano, fisharmonica and violin.38
er, Posinger, who performed twice a week (Sundays and Thursdays) for two hours in
the hall of the society and offered declamation exercises, which attracted many Lai-
bachers. Keesbacher, Die philharmonische Gesellschaft, 93.
31 A little over a month after the Khom’s arrival, on May 14, 1849, the choir went to
Rožnik and presented itself as a good performing body. Keesbacher notes that the
musical program of the excursion proved that the choir had to be very skillful in
the sense of the chosen program: “Das Musik-Programm jener Fahrt zeigt, daß der
Chor schon recht tüchtig geschult sein mußte; auch macht die Wahl der Stücke ihm alle
Ehre.” Ibid.
32 Ibid., 246.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid., 247.
35 In his assessment of the student concert on July 22, 1854, the former director of the
Philharmonic Society, Henrik Costa (Dr. H. C.), praised Khom, emphasizing that
he “devotes himself entirely to his profession with love, effort and diligence. [...] Ue
berhaupt muß man sowohl den Herrn Instituts-Inhaber als die Zöglinge loben, daß
die Stunden der Erholung auf so edle Weise ausgefüllt und der, Herz und Gemüth bil
denden Tonkunst gewidmet werden; nicht minder aber verdient auch der Musiklehr
er des Institutes, Hr. A. Khom, volle Anerkennung, da er mit Liebe, Mühe und Fleiß
seinem Berufe sich hingibt, und diesen, wie sich zeigt, vollkommen erfüllt.” Dr. H. C.
[Henrik Costa], “Prüfungs – Konzert der Zöglinge der kaufmännischen Lehr- uns
Erziehungsanstalt in Laibach,” Laibacher Zeitung, no. 169 (26 July 1854): 741, http://
36 Among the highlights of the program is Khom’s interesting declamation with piano
accompaniment entitled Der arme Thoms, February 11, 1853. Here Khom drew on
the expressive tragic poetry of the Austrian poet, writer, and diplomat August Er-
nst von Steigentesch (1744–1826). Sara Železnik, Koncertni sporedi Filharmonične
družbe 1816–1872 (Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF, 2013), 268.
37 Ibid., 251.
38 Khom was joined by the well-known violinist Heinrich Fiby and the pianist Anton
Door. The latter was the expected central figure of the evening. He was a popular pi-