Page 426 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 426
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
In 1884, the Laibacher Zeitung also reported that Khom and Germon-
ik had founded a new men’s and women’s singing society, the Sängerheim,
in Vienna.71
Khom’s creative work was marked by a period determined on the one
hand by the fierce development of the compositional language and on the
other hand by the intensification of the national feeling, perhaps paradoxi-
cally connected with a feeling for the globalizing spread of the modern mu-
sical language. These conditions also determined Khom himself, a broadly
based consultant who at the same time looked to the domestic heritage that
transcended linguistic boundaries and testified to a deeper supranational
essence of Austrian cultural unity.
Khom joined the circle of like-minded musicians and intellectuals
of his time and maintained close contacts with the circle of intellectuals
from Carniola throughout his life. Among them Ludvik Germonik stands
out. Khom was also friends with Peter Radics, who was also enthusiastic
about the Slovenian region, especially Carniola, and its folk-cultural her-
itage, and with whom he shared the characteristic “myth of Habsburg cul
ture.”72 Among his characteristic friends was also the painter Franz von
Kurz zum Thurn und Goldenstein. The famous Austrian music histori-
an Raphael Georg Kiesewetter (1773–1850) could also be counted among
his circle of acquaintances, as is evident from the dedication of one of his
In this context, the participation of the Khom in an event commemo-
rating the famous Krainer poet Anastasius Grün in 1887. In addition to the
ceremonial address and the laying of a laurel wreath at the poet’s picture, a
wreath of folk songs from Carniola (i.e., probably Slovene songs) was per-
formed at the event in an arrangement and with piano accompaniment by
71 “(Sängerheim) ist der Titel eines neuen Männer- und Damengesangs-Vereins in Wien,
dessen constituierende Versammlung am vorigen Freitag stattfand. Die Gründer die
ses Gesangsvereines, Redacteur Germonik und Kapellmeister Alfred Khom, haben vor
Jahren auch in Krain gewirkt; letzterer als Musikprofessor und der erstere übersetz
te Unter andern zwei Balladen Preširen’s und Vodnik’s ‘Veršac’ (in den ‘Dioskuren’ er
schienen) im antiken Versmaß.” Cf. Anon., “Sängerheim,” Laibacher Zeitung, no. 99
(30 April 1884): 842,
72 Tanja Žigon, “Ludvik Germonik in Peter Pavel pl. Radics — ustanovitelja Grillpar-
zerjevega društva na Dunaju,” in V zlatih črkah v zgodovini: razprave v spomin Olgi
Janša-Zorn, ed. Miha Preinfalk (Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije,
2009), 323.
In 1884, the Laibacher Zeitung also reported that Khom and Germon-
ik had founded a new men’s and women’s singing society, the Sängerheim,
in Vienna.71
Khom’s creative work was marked by a period determined on the one
hand by the fierce development of the compositional language and on the
other hand by the intensification of the national feeling, perhaps paradoxi-
cally connected with a feeling for the globalizing spread of the modern mu-
sical language. These conditions also determined Khom himself, a broadly
based consultant who at the same time looked to the domestic heritage that
transcended linguistic boundaries and testified to a deeper supranational
essence of Austrian cultural unity.
Khom joined the circle of like-minded musicians and intellectuals
of his time and maintained close contacts with the circle of intellectuals
from Carniola throughout his life. Among them Ludvik Germonik stands
out. Khom was also friends with Peter Radics, who was also enthusiastic
about the Slovenian region, especially Carniola, and its folk-cultural her-
itage, and with whom he shared the characteristic “myth of Habsburg cul
ture.”72 Among his characteristic friends was also the painter Franz von
Kurz zum Thurn und Goldenstein. The famous Austrian music histori-
an Raphael Georg Kiesewetter (1773–1850) could also be counted among
his circle of acquaintances, as is evident from the dedication of one of his
In this context, the participation of the Khom in an event commemo-
rating the famous Krainer poet Anastasius Grün in 1887. In addition to the
ceremonial address and the laying of a laurel wreath at the poet’s picture, a
wreath of folk songs from Carniola (i.e., probably Slovene songs) was per-
formed at the event in an arrangement and with piano accompaniment by
71 “(Sängerheim) ist der Titel eines neuen Männer- und Damengesangs-Vereins in Wien,
dessen constituierende Versammlung am vorigen Freitag stattfand. Die Gründer die
ses Gesangsvereines, Redacteur Germonik und Kapellmeister Alfred Khom, haben vor
Jahren auch in Krain gewirkt; letzterer als Musikprofessor und der erstere übersetz
te Unter andern zwei Balladen Preširen’s und Vodnik’s ‘Veršac’ (in den ‘Dioskuren’ er
schienen) im antiken Versmaß.” Cf. Anon., “Sängerheim,” Laibacher Zeitung, no. 99
(30 April 1884): 842,
72 Tanja Žigon, “Ludvik Germonik in Peter Pavel pl. Radics — ustanovitelja Grillpar-
zerjevega društva na Dunaju,” in V zlatih črkah v zgodovini: razprave v spomin Olgi
Janša-Zorn, ed. Miha Preinfalk (Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije,
2009), 323.