Page 423 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 423
alfred khom, a diligent choirmaster, skilful composer and experienced musician ...
repertoires of theaters in Ljubljana in various adaptations, but was also per-
formed in Trieste (where the text was published) and in Graz.60
An important fact, which is also highlighted in newspaper reports, is
that Khom also included several Slovenian national motifs in the piece. The
text was written by Ludvik Germonik (1823–1909).61 Germonik was a writer
and publicist. He founded the Villacher Zeitung, was editor of the Klagen
furter Zeitung in 1855–1857, and then came to Ljubljana. He worked in the
library of the Lyceum and was archivist of the Museum Society. Numerous
articles testify to his interest in Slovene literature. He published a transla-
tion of Prešeren’s poems and wrote his first major biography. He also made
special efforts to popularize Bled, which is reflected in the aforementioned
play. In 1872 he went to Vienna, where he continued his journalistic activ-
ities and devoted himself to Austrian literature and folk song in Carniola.
During his time in Ljubljana, Khom was closely associated with Ger-
monik, but it is possible that their paths crossed as early as Klagenfurt.
Sources testify that they collaborated more intensively in Vienna at least
from the 1870s.
Khom left Carniola in the fall of 1861 and moved to Graz.62 We can as-
sume that his decision was mainly due to better conditions and more ad-
equate pay. Khom accepted a position in Graz as a teacher at the school of
60 “(‘Die Weiber von Veldes’), ein dramatisches Gemälde in 3 Acten aus der Zeit der fran
zösischen Zwischenregierung in Illyrien von L. Germonik ist soeben aus der Buchdru
ckerei des österreichischen Lloyd in Triest in sehr netter Ausstattung hervorgegangen.
Die Widmung hat Herr Dr. Ludwig Ritter v. Gutmannsthal-Benvenuti, Commandeur
und Ritter mehrerer hoher Orden, Herrschaftsbesitzer in Krain, angenommen. Der
Stoff ist bekannt, und unsere Leser finden den historischen Kern in den in der Nummer
248 unseres Blattes vom 28. v. M. abgedruckten Documenten. Bei der Aufführung auf
der hiesigen Bühne im Jahre 1861 erzielte das Stück, gehoben durch die hübsche Mu
sik Alfred Khom’s, instrumentirt von Camillo Maschek, durch die eingewebten Natio
nalmelodien, die vorkommende landschaftliche Scenerie und die dieselbe belebenden
Landestrachten ein volles Haus. Neuerlich wurde dasselbe dem Vernehmen nach in
Triest und Graz zur Aufführung angenommen.” Anon., “Locales,” Laibacher Zeitung,
no. 258 (9 November 1867): 1760,
61 Joža Glonar, “Germonik, Ludvik (1823–1909),” Slovenska biografija (Ljubljana: Slo-
venska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU,
leksikon. Cf. also Černe, “Bled v slovenski literaturi,” 112.
62 Steska gives the exact date: “Khom sent a letter from Graz on September 29, 1861,
in which he resigned as provisional music teacher.” Steska, “Iz slovenske glasbene
prošlosti,” 180.
repertoires of theaters in Ljubljana in various adaptations, but was also per-
formed in Trieste (where the text was published) and in Graz.60
An important fact, which is also highlighted in newspaper reports, is
that Khom also included several Slovenian national motifs in the piece. The
text was written by Ludvik Germonik (1823–1909).61 Germonik was a writer
and publicist. He founded the Villacher Zeitung, was editor of the Klagen
furter Zeitung in 1855–1857, and then came to Ljubljana. He worked in the
library of the Lyceum and was archivist of the Museum Society. Numerous
articles testify to his interest in Slovene literature. He published a transla-
tion of Prešeren’s poems and wrote his first major biography. He also made
special efforts to popularize Bled, which is reflected in the aforementioned
play. In 1872 he went to Vienna, where he continued his journalistic activ-
ities and devoted himself to Austrian literature and folk song in Carniola.
During his time in Ljubljana, Khom was closely associated with Ger-
monik, but it is possible that their paths crossed as early as Klagenfurt.
Sources testify that they collaborated more intensively in Vienna at least
from the 1870s.
Khom left Carniola in the fall of 1861 and moved to Graz.62 We can as-
sume that his decision was mainly due to better conditions and more ad-
equate pay. Khom accepted a position in Graz as a teacher at the school of
60 “(‘Die Weiber von Veldes’), ein dramatisches Gemälde in 3 Acten aus der Zeit der fran
zösischen Zwischenregierung in Illyrien von L. Germonik ist soeben aus der Buchdru
ckerei des österreichischen Lloyd in Triest in sehr netter Ausstattung hervorgegangen.
Die Widmung hat Herr Dr. Ludwig Ritter v. Gutmannsthal-Benvenuti, Commandeur
und Ritter mehrerer hoher Orden, Herrschaftsbesitzer in Krain, angenommen. Der
Stoff ist bekannt, und unsere Leser finden den historischen Kern in den in der Nummer
248 unseres Blattes vom 28. v. M. abgedruckten Documenten. Bei der Aufführung auf
der hiesigen Bühne im Jahre 1861 erzielte das Stück, gehoben durch die hübsche Mu
sik Alfred Khom’s, instrumentirt von Camillo Maschek, durch die eingewebten Natio
nalmelodien, die vorkommende landschaftliche Scenerie und die dieselbe belebenden
Landestrachten ein volles Haus. Neuerlich wurde dasselbe dem Vernehmen nach in
Triest und Graz zur Aufführung angenommen.” Anon., “Locales,” Laibacher Zeitung,
no. 258 (9 November 1867): 1760,
61 Joža Glonar, “Germonik, Ludvik (1823–1909),” Slovenska biografija (Ljubljana: Slo-
venska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU,
leksikon. Cf. also Černe, “Bled v slovenski literaturi,” 112.
62 Steska gives the exact date: “Khom sent a letter from Graz on September 29, 1861,
in which he resigned as provisional music teacher.” Steska, “Iz slovenske glasbene
prošlosti,” 180.