Page 485 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 485

in rural areas, except in the Primorska region. In addition to the social pro-
gramme, reading societies had developed musical and theatrical activities,
lectures and speeches as well as other events, among which the reading so-
ciety library occupied a special place.
Maribor’s Slavic Reading Society held an important place in the Slovenian
reading society movement. The rich manuscript legacy of the Slavic Read-
ing Society, kept at the University of Maribor Library, offers insight into the
diverse programme of its activities and its role in the development of Slove-
nian culture in Maribor and its surrounding area.
Keywords: Slovenians, reading societies, Slavic Reading Society in Maribor,
19th century

Michal Ščepán
Musical associations and their place in the musical life
of Bratislava in the 19th century
At the end of the 18th century, Bratislava lost its status as the capital of the
Kingdom of Hungary, and this change significantly affected the character
of its musical life. Not only the central authorities moved to Buda and Vi-
enna also a large part of the secular and ecclesiastical aristocracy, which
until then had influenced the musical performances in the city. Although
those activities did not end completely, the bourgeoisie took over the major
role in the development of musical life in the following century. The cultur-
al needs of its representatives led to the establishment of a new form of mu-
sic institution – a music association. During the 19th century, several mu-
sic associations were active in Bratislava. They served a variety of purposes,
from social to educational, and of course artistic. The most widespread type
of music association, especially from the second half of the century, were
choirs. Although on an amateur basis, Pressburger Liedertafel and Press-
burger Singverein reached a high level of artistic production together with
other choirs of workers’ associations such as Typographenbund. Due to its
multifunctionality, Pressburger Kirchenmusikverein zu St. Martin had a
dominant role in Bratislava’s musical life. Despite its church background,
its productions were not limited to sacred music, but also reached to pro-
fane works, including music drama. The previously mentioned music in-
stitutions were associated through shared choirmasters, such as Anton
Strehlen, Josef Kumlik, Karl Mayrberger or Eugen Kossow. Their musical
preferences not only influenced the repertoires, but also contributed to the
promotion of selected composers, especially Franz Liszt. Prominent musi-

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