Page 488 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 488
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
Viktor Velek
Matej Hubad in the context of the musical life
of Slavic societies in Vienna
The paper presents the work of the Slovene composer, singer, musician,
teacher and organiser Matej Hubad in the Slavic Singing Society in Vienna.
Equally valuable is the evaluation of the importance of two concert perfor-
mances of the Slovene choir Glasbena Matica in Vienna (1896), which was
an important milestone not only in the history of Glasbena Matica but also
in the history of Slavic choral life in Vienna. Hubad is presented from sev-
eral perspectives: as an author of his own compositions performed in Vien-
na, as a choral singer and as a choirmaster. The paper also contains an out-
line of his contacts with the Viennese Slavs and the representation of his
compositions in the archives of the Slavic societies in Vienna. Also includ-
ed is the reception of Hubad’s activities by the press (Czech, Czech-Vien-
nese, German in Vienna).
Keywords: Matej Hubad, music, Slavic societies in Vienna, choir
Jernej Weiss
The Merit of Czech Musicians for the Revival of the Musical
Heritage of Jacobus Handl Gallus in Slovenia
This paper presented the contribution of various Czech musicians who en-
couraged the revival of the musical legacy of Iacobus Handl Gallus in the
Slovene lands at the beginning of the 1890s. The members of both the Glas-
bena Matica and the Cecilian Society (Cecilijino društvo), two central Slo-
vene musical institutions alongside the Philharmonic Society in Ljublja-
na, included many Czech musicians. Thanks to their all-round activities,
they made a decisive contribution to staging two historical concerts, which
marked the beginning of Gallus’s rediscovery in Slovenia. The first concert
– Gallus’s parody mass Missa super Elisabeth Zachariae (SQM 6), direct-
ed by Anton Foerster, was held on 12 July 1891 in the Ljubljana cathedral to
mark the 300th anniversary of the composer’s death. Meanwhile, the sec-
ond concert of Gallus’s motets and moralia was performed on 9 June 1892
in the Redutna dvorana concert hall by the Glasbena Matica choir, led by
Matej Hubad. The preparation and implementation of both concerts, to-
gether with other accompanying events, represented an important way in
which individual Czech musicians helped raise awareness about the tra-
dition and continuity of Slovene music. Both the Glasbena matica and the
Viktor Velek
Matej Hubad in the context of the musical life
of Slavic societies in Vienna
The paper presents the work of the Slovene composer, singer, musician,
teacher and organiser Matej Hubad in the Slavic Singing Society in Vienna.
Equally valuable is the evaluation of the importance of two concert perfor-
mances of the Slovene choir Glasbena Matica in Vienna (1896), which was
an important milestone not only in the history of Glasbena Matica but also
in the history of Slavic choral life in Vienna. Hubad is presented from sev-
eral perspectives: as an author of his own compositions performed in Vien-
na, as a choral singer and as a choirmaster. The paper also contains an out-
line of his contacts with the Viennese Slavs and the representation of his
compositions in the archives of the Slavic societies in Vienna. Also includ-
ed is the reception of Hubad’s activities by the press (Czech, Czech-Vien-
nese, German in Vienna).
Keywords: Matej Hubad, music, Slavic societies in Vienna, choir
Jernej Weiss
The Merit of Czech Musicians for the Revival of the Musical
Heritage of Jacobus Handl Gallus in Slovenia
This paper presented the contribution of various Czech musicians who en-
couraged the revival of the musical legacy of Iacobus Handl Gallus in the
Slovene lands at the beginning of the 1890s. The members of both the Glas-
bena Matica and the Cecilian Society (Cecilijino društvo), two central Slo-
vene musical institutions alongside the Philharmonic Society in Ljublja-
na, included many Czech musicians. Thanks to their all-round activities,
they made a decisive contribution to staging two historical concerts, which
marked the beginning of Gallus’s rediscovery in Slovenia. The first concert
– Gallus’s parody mass Missa super Elisabeth Zachariae (SQM 6), direct-
ed by Anton Foerster, was held on 12 July 1891 in the Ljubljana cathedral to
mark the 300th anniversary of the composer’s death. Meanwhile, the sec-
ond concert of Gallus’s motets and moralia was performed on 9 June 1892
in the Redutna dvorana concert hall by the Glasbena Matica choir, led by
Matej Hubad. The preparation and implementation of both concerts, to-
gether with other accompanying events, represented an important way in
which individual Czech musicians helped raise awareness about the tra-
dition and continuity of Slovene music. Both the Glasbena matica and the