Page 77 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 77

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Čekerevac, MD, PhD racic surgery, University Hospital Cen-
tre Zagreb. During that time she finished
Ivan Čekerevac was born in Čačak in University of Applied Health Sciences
1970. He graduated from the Faculty of and obtained the title “Bachelor of Nurs-
Medicine, University of Kragujevac and ing” (2001). After that she has been work-
earned a phD degree at the age of 40. He ing at Pulmonary Disease Clinic at differ-
has been educated abroad on several oc- ent departments such as Chemotherapy
casions such as Germany and Hunga- Unit, Pulmonary department, including
ry. He is a full professor of the Faculty of Outpatient units. Her current position is
Medicine Sciences, University of Kragu- a Head nurse of Outpatient Unit Clin-
jevac. He has published more than 80 ic for Thoracic surgery. For the past few
publications, of which 25 cited in inter- years she has actively participated in sev-
national databases, and more than 160 eral clinical trials and acquired knowl-
times at the Scopus base. He co-authored edge in other European countries since
3 books and main author of the book Ba- last five years. She has been a the pioneer
sics of echosonography, chapter named nurse at enforcement of induced sputum
Thoracic ultrasound and COPD and sys- in Croatia on Clinic for Pulmonary Dis-
temic inflammation. He has given invited eases, Zagreb.
lectures at international meetings. Special
interest in asthma, chronic obstructive Assoc. Prof. Ivan Kopitović, MD, PhD
pulmonary disease, o bstructive sleep ap-
nea and non-invasive ventilation and tho- Professor of Internal Medicine at Uni-
racic ultrasound and ergospirometry. versity of Novi Sad – Faculty of Medi-
cine. Specialist in Internal Medicine and
Valetnina Fiket, bacc. med. techn. subspecialist in Pulmonology at Insti-
tute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodi-
Valentina Fiket was born on May 25th na (IPDV) – Sremska Kamenica, Ser-
1977 in Zagreb, Croatia. After finishing bia. He has been working for more than
Medical high School she started her ca- two decades in ICU, HDU, lung function
reer at ICU department at the Special testing unit and sleep lab (sleep disordered
Hospital for chronic pulmonary diseas- breathing - SDB). He is a consultant in the
es and later in the ICU unit of the Tho-
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