Page 80 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 80
Centre Zagreb, Clinic for Lung Diseas- greb. 2004. to now: Head of Laboratory
es. Currently, she works as a pulmonol- – Clinical Unit of Pulmonary Cytology.
severe asthma forum 2: severe asthma - monitoring and treatable traits in severe asthma ogist in Intensive and postintensive care Assistant professor on Postgraduate Stud-
unit. She is an author of many abstracts ies, Medical School Zagreb, University
and articles, mainly in field of asthma and of Zagreb. Teacher on University of Ap-
interstitial lung diseases. She is a member plied Health Studies, Zagreb. Member of
of Croatian Thoracic Society, Croatian Croatian Medical Association, Croatian
Pulmonology Society and European Res- Society for Clinical Cytology (co-vice
piratory Society. president), Croatian Respiratory Socie-
ty. Member of the Organizing Commit-
Ivana Rubil tee of Croatian Congress of Clinical Cy-
tology, Toraks Congress, co-organizer of
She was born in Zagreb, Croatia on April the 37th European Congress of Cytopa-
27th 1979. From 1999. She started with thology 2012., invited speaker. Author
her career in 1999 as a nurse on ICU on of 150 scientific and professional papers,
Clinic for lung diseases Jordanovac. She book chapters, poster and oral presenta-
has been active participant on many in- tions dedicated to lung, mediastinum and
ternational and domestic congresses. Af- pleural cytology.
ter enrolment the University for baccalau-
reate in 2000 (graduated with B grade) Assist. Prof. Maja Šereg Bahar, MD, PhD
she enrolled the Masters study in Za-
greb and got the title Master of nursing Maja Šereg Bahar has finished study of
in 2003. Currently she is a head nurse of medicine at University of Ljubljana (UL),
day hospital on Clinic for lung disease Jor- Slovenia. She obtained her MSc (2006),
danovac, University hospital center Za- and PhD (2015) degree at the same uni-
greb. She has been a secretary of patient versity. Since 1996 she has been employed
association Udah Života (Breath of Life) at the University Medical Centre Ljublja-
since 2020 , which promotes and raises na, Department of ORL & HNS in Lju-
awareness for a population health. Its im- bljana, Slovenia. She finished her train-
portant point is rising the quality of pa- ing in otorhinolaryngology and started
tients life through education of patients working also at Faculty of Medicine, UL
and their families. in 2002. At the moment she works in the
Center for Voice, Speech and Swallowing
Assist. Prof. Silvana Smojver-Ježek, MD, Disorders at the University hospital as a
PhD phoniatrician and in the Department of
Otorhinolaryngology at Faculty of Med-
Head of Clinical Unit of Pulmonary Cy- icine, Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is the au-
tology, Department of Pathology and Cy- thor of more than 120 published papers.
tology, University Hospital Center Za-
greb, Croatia. Graduated on Medical Assoc. Prof. Sanda Škrinjarić-Cincar, MD,
School Zagreb, University of Zagreb. PhD
Specialist in medical/clinical cytology,
Laboratory for Cytology, University Hos- Assoc. Prof. Sanda Škrinjarić-Cincar was
pital for Lung Diseases Jordanovac, Za- born in 1959 in Osijek. She has many
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