Page 78 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 78
field of asthma, COPD, critical care med- Assist. Prof. Marina Lampalo, MD, PhD
icine and SDB. He is an author and coau-
severe asthma forum 2: severe asthma - monitoring and treatable traits in severe asthma thor of monographic publications, book Marina Lampalo was born in Šibenik,
chapters and more than 250 papers pub- February 1st, 1975, graduated from The
lished in national and international jour- University of Zagreb School of Medicine
nals. He has been a principal investigator in 2001. She has been working as an in-
in clinical trials related to obstructive lung ternist since March of 2008, and as a sub-
diseases, PTE, PAH, SDB. He is current- specialist in pulmonology at Jordano-
ly a Head of Department for Lung Patho- vac Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases since
physiology with Sleep Medicine Lab at 2010. In March of 2019, she obtained the
IPDV. title of Primarius. She earned the PhD ti-
tle by defending her dissertation „The ef-
Prof. Mitja Košnik MD, PhD fect of ABO blood genotypes and tissue
plasminogen activator inhibitor on lung
He graduated at the Medical Faculty, ventilation in asthma” in 2017. She has
University of Ljubljana in 1987. In 1992 been actively participating in numerous
he finished a specialisation of the inter- national and international scientific and
nal medicine, latter he was nominated as professional meetings as an invited lec-
a specialist in pulmonology and allergolo- turer. Thus far, she has published multi-
gy. He earned a Ph.D. degree in 1998. In ple scientific and professional papers. She
2012 he was nominated as a full professor is also the author of various chapters in
of internal medicine. He is a medical doc- books on pulmonology. She received the
tor and a head of the Department of Clin- Toraks Award for Best Scientific Work in
ical Research at the University Clinic of 2016. Since 2019 she has been a research
Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik associate at the School of Medicine, Uni-
and a head of the Chair of Internal medi- versity of Zagreb. In July of 2022, she was
cine at the Medical Faculty, University of awarded the Title Assistant Professor, in
Ljubljana. His research interests are ana- recognition of scientific and teaching mer-
phylaxis, venom and drug allergy. He is its. The specialty area she has been deal-
a project manager of a national research ing with for many years is obstructive
project P3 – 0360: Slovenian network of lung diseases - primarily asthma, chronic
allergy and asthma: from epidemiology to obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as
genetics. He was a mentor of 8 Ph. D. stu- lung function and allergic diseases.
dents. He is a president of Slovenian As-
sociation of Allergology and Clinical Im- Assoc. Prof. Zorica Lazić, MD, PhD
munology and od Slovenian Respiratory
Society, a member of State expert body Dr.  Zorica Lazic graduated from Medi-
of internal medicine and a member of cal faculty at the University of Belgrade
UEMS, section allergology. He published (1981). She has been the specialist in in-
over 150 articles in journals with impact ternal medicine and pneumonology since
factor, his H-index is 42 and has 10.000 1989 and 2005 respectively. Dr Lazic
pure citations. earned the MSc degree (1993) at the Uni-
versity of Belgrade and the PhD degree at
the University of Kragujevac (1996). She
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