Page 172 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 172
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

Certainly, his journalistic style distinguishes him from all the editors
and newspaper owners of the time. He ‘talks’ very intimately with read-
ers, regularly informs them about the ongoing affairs of his printing
house, about publishing problems and perspectives, about his family
circumstances, and says a friendly goodbye to them when a paper stops
being published.9

In addition to being a bookseller, printer and newspaper editor, Abel
Lukšić was also the organizer of guest concerts in Karlovac in the 1860s,
which will be mentioned later.

In 1866, the newspaper Karlovački viestnik was published for a short
time and was edited by the Slovenian writer and teacher Ljudevit Tomšić/
Tomšič (1843–1902), who was a teacher in Karlovac in the period from 1865
to 1870.10 In 1867 he printed in Karlovac a collection of songs for “song-lov-
ing” school youth, Věnac lěpih pěsmicah: cèrkvenih i světovnih [A wreath of
beautiful songs: church and secular].

The gap that occurred after that testifies to the importance of the lo-
cal press for today’s researcher as an important source of information about
everyday life in the city. It wasn’t until 1884 that this was remedied with the
start of publishing the newspaper Svjetlo. It was edited in the first phase by
Adolf Gustav Prettner. His grandfather Ivan Nepomuk Prettner opened a
printing house, bookstore and bookbindery in Karlovac in the 1830s. The
editorship was taken over from A. G. Prettner by journalist and writer
Dušan Lopašić (1852–1921), whom Ivo Ott describes as an excellent critic of
daily life in Karlovac: “Editorials, feuilletons and critical accounts of politi-
cal, cultural, and especially communal and city topics, will rank him among
the best journalists of his times.”11

The name of Dragutin Hauptfeld (1855–1921) is known as that of the
owner of a well-known printing house in Karlovac which operated from
1887 to 1948. Both Hauptfeld (as a baritone) and his children (five sons and
five daughters, of whom Draga Hauptfeld (1881–1952) achieved an interna-

9 Olga Markuševski, “Još nekoliko napomena o Lukšiću [A few more notes about Luk-
šić],” Kaj 11, no. 4 (1979): 53–5. See also: Marija Vrbetić, “Djelovanje Abela Lukšića
šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća [Activities of Abel Lukšić in the sixties of the last
century],” Kaj 11, no. 4 (1979): 47–51.

10 France Koblar, “Tomšič, Ljudevit,” Slovenska biografija, internet edition (Ljubljana:
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Znanstveno raziskovalni center SAZU,

11 Ivo Ott, “Dušan Lopašić, novinar i publicist [Dušan Lopašić, journalist and publi-
cist],” Kaj 11, no. 4 (1979): 61–6.

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