Page 174 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 174
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

– Reviews of the cultural (and musical) life of the city within the
framework of broader city topics

– Competitions
– Occasional songs
– Advertisements.

In addition to events in the city of Karlovac, occasionally news is pub-
lished about events in other Croatian cities – most often from Zagreb,
Varaždin, Križevci, but also Koprivnica, Sisak, Petrinja, Rijeka, Požega,
Đakovo, Osijek, Senj, Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci and other places – but also
in cities outside Croatia: Vienna, Prague, Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Sara-
jevo, sporadically Rome, Paris, London, etc.14 Although Silvija Tomašić,
speaking about music criticism in newspapers outside Zagreb, states that
for “Croatian music criticism, only ‘Glasonoša’ has a certain meaning, and it
is more than modest”15 when viewed in the wider context of writings about
music, we come to previously unknown and rich testimonies of the city’s
musical life.

News, reports, reviews and criticism of music events
The category of musical events and their presence in the local press is un-
doubtedly the most extensive and the most frequently used in the existing
literature.16 Only a small sample of newspaper articles on the subject will

14 On music criticism in the nineteenth century in a broader sense, see: Sanja Majer-
-Bobetko, “Glazbena edukacija, reprodukcija, periodika i kritika u Hrvatskoj u dru-
goj polovici XIX. stoljeća [Music education, reproduction, periodicals and criticism
in Croatia in the second half of the nineteenth century],” in Hrvatska i Europa: kul-
tura, znanost i umjetnost, vol. 4: Moderna hrvatska kultura od preporoda do moder-
ne (XIX. stoljeće), ed. M. Ježić (Zagreb: HAZU, Školska knjiga, 2009), 649–53. Regar-
ding Zagreb (but also the wider area) for the first half of the century, see: Snježana
Miklaušić-Ćeran, “Odrazi koncertnoga života Zagreba između 1826. i 1858. u zag-
rebačkim novinama i časopisima [The Reflections of Zagreb Concert Life between
1826 and 1858 in Zagreb Newspapers and Journals],” (PhD diss., University of Za-
greb, 2012). On the cultural context: Ivana Anić, “Kulturni život Karlovca u vrijeme
Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda [The Cultural Life of Karlovac during the Croatian
National Revival],” (PhD Diss., University of Zagreb, 2015).

15 Silvija Tomašić, “Hrvatska glazbena kritika na narodnom jeziku od 1854. do 1870.
godine [Croatian music criticism in the vernacular from 1854 to 1870]” (graduate
thesis, University of Zagreb, 1980), 49.

16 Cf. Marija Vrbetić and Agneza Szabo, Karlovac na razmeđu stoljeća 1880–1914
[Karlovac at the turn of the century 1880–1914] (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1989), eg
chapter Musical life, 156–71; Marijana Schneider, “U Karlovcu 1840-ih [In Karlo-
vac in the 1840s],” Zbornik Gradskog muzeja Karlovac, vol. 1 (Karlovac: Muzej grada

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